A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
Hybrid - Online & In-person
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & In Person
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - Online Synchronous (Zoom) & In Person
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
Combines online and face-to-face instruction. Students may participate in
different ways: online - synchronous, online - asynchronous, face-to-face, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person
on campus, on the synchronous days and times already scheduled, if
conditions allow.
Imputed credits
Imputed credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare
themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid
requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
Interactive TV
Classes are taught live from one campus location and broadcast to one or
more additional campus locations. Cameras and microphones at all sites
allow faculty and learners to see and talk with each other.
Human Origins and Evolution — 3374
ANT 1510
Shannon E. Bessette
Traces the biological evolution and current biological diversity of the human species. Students will critically analyze contemporary primates and their behavior, hominid fossils and artifacts, and modern human variation to understand the meaning of the theory of evolution and the ongoing biological adaptations of human beings. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Human Origins and Evolution — 3394
ANT 1510
Arnaud F. Lambert
Traces the biological evolution and current biological diversity of the human species. Students will critically analyze contemporary primates and their behavior, hominid fossils and artifacts, and modern human variation to understand the meaning of the theory of evolution and the ongoing biological adaptations of human beings. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 249
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Cultural Anthropology — 3395
ANT 1520
Shannon E. Bessette
Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will understand the patterning of social and cultural systems among societies around the world and gain global and ethnic understanding. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. ANT 1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Cultural Anthropology — 3396
ANT 1520
Siby Thomas
Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will understand the patterning of social and cultural systems among societies around the world and gain global and ethnic understanding. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. ANT 1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Cultural Anthropology — 3397
ANT 1520
Arnaud F. Lambert
Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will understand the patterning of social and cultural systems among societies around the world and gain global and ethnic understanding. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. ANT 1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Intro to Cultural Anthropology — 3398
ANT 1520
Arnaud F. Lambert
Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will understand the patterning of social and cultural systems among societies around the world and gain global and ethnic understanding. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. ANT 1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Intro to Cultural Anthropology — 3399
ANT 1520
Arnaud F. Lambert
Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will understand the patterning of social and cultural systems among societies around the world and gain global and ethnic understanding. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. ANT 1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 311
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
World Archaeology — 3400
ANT 1540
Arnaud F. Lambert
Students will be introduced to the field of archaeology and the importance of learning about the human past through its material remains. Using the methods and theories of archaeology, this course will explore the cultural evolution of our human lineage. We will look at several of the remarkable migrations that resulted in the peopling of the earth, explore changes in artistic expression and technology, and talk about the transitions from hunter-gatherer societies to complex agricultural states. In examining the broad patterns of the human past, we will explore how archaeology can be used to address current and emerging social issues. No requisites. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Hultquist Library 208
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro. to Dis/Ability Studies — 3375
ANT 2550
Shannon E. Bessette
Students will explore both the medical model and the social model of what it means to be ?able-bodied? and ?disabled,? and the benefits and disadvantages of those labels for the people who bear them. Students will also compare and contrast the concepts of ability and disability for people living around the globe, and understand the work of social activists in the disability community. Finally, we will address the new possibilities that are emerging in the form of technologies and medications, and what that means for access and identity. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Art & Design Appreciation — 3580
ART 1500
Madison M. Lavallee
This course will introduce students to contemporary art & design. Using basic materials and processes, students will engage in hands-on projects that explore the visual language. Assigned readings and class presentations will expose students to a range of contemporary art making practices and themes, expanding their understanding of what ?art? and ?design? can be. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Drawing I — 3577
ART 1510
Kelsey Renko
Students will gain a working knowledge of foundation skills and abilities in artistic visual expression. Students are introduced to drawing media and concepts. Students learn to draw perceived objects and become able to discuss the drawings meaningfully. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Drawing II — 3566
ART 1520
Nathan A. Jeffery
Students will further develop visual awareness and drawing skills in dry media with some wet media and in black and white with some color emphasis. Students perform object drawing, large scale drawing, media exploration, life drawing, and some portrait drawing. The human figure in well-designed compositions is emphasized. Prerequisite: ART 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
3:30 pm – 5:25 pm
2-D Design and Color — 3565
ART 1530
Madison M. Lavallee
Students will explore two-dimensional design problems through controlled and experimental sequences of exercises in drawing, abstract black and white composition, and basic color theory and its application to design. Emphasis is placed upon developing a student?s personal appreciation and creative expression rather than professional skill. Students will learn ways of expressing themselves creatively through two-dimensional space through the exploration of visual design elements such as line, form, scale, color, texture as well as explore design principles of surface organization such as repetition, balance, rhythm, variety, and emphasis. Students will learn to mix a calibrated range of tones and colors and gain experience using value, hue and saturation with paint and collage. This course fosters the utilization of intuitive judgements of serious play. No requisites. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $150
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
3-D Design/Concept/Materials — 3567
ART 1540
Madison M. Lavallee
Students will experience studio activities which will help them understand and manipulate visual elements and principles while creating three-dimensional forms. Students will work in a variety of visual media with emphasis on selection of materials to promote concepts, and will experience basic fabrication techniques in the visual arts. Critical evaluation and discussion of projects is an integral part of the course. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $150
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 24 – May 16
9:30 am – 1:20 pm
Art in Culture I — 3578
ART 1550
Robert R. Shane
Provides art and non-art majors with an overview of the historical evolution of the visual arts from the prehistoric through medieval periods. An overview of art from non-European cultures is also presented. Students will explore artistic philosophies, styles, media, materials, and the evolving function of art in society. Students are introduced to the formal structure of works of art and will study new methods and materials. Links between technical evolution and its relationship to stylistic change are explored. The influence of major philosophical shifts in culture-at-large on the arts is also emphasized. Material is presented through slide lectures, videotapes, classroom discussions, and readings. Course requires extensive reading, some writing, and participation in discussion groups. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J fall; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Art in Culture II — 3579
ART 1560
Robert R. Shane
Provides art majors and non-art majors with an overview of the historical evolution of the visual arts from the Renaissance through contemporary periods. Special lectures on technical development of the 19th and 20th centuries augment the historical progression. Additional material that extends the discussion of contemporary art is introduced. Students explore artistic philosophies, styles, media, materials, and the evolution of art's function in society. Material is presented through slide lectures, videotapes, classroom discussions, and assigned readings. Course requires extensive reading, some writing, and participation in discussion groups. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Ceramics I — 3574
ART 1590
Vu T. Hong
Students will gain a working knowledge of fundamental and advanced studio work in clay preparation, hand building, throwing, mold making, slip casting, glaze preparation, decorating techniques, and firing techniques. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:30 pm – 5:25 pm
Studio Projects-Design I — 3571
ART 1611
Ki Ho Park
Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, ceramics, photography, electronic arts, design or painting, may register for one, two, or three hours of credit per semester in a studio course in that medium. Students are expected to spend two hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. Studio problem courses are student initiated with each student, together with the faculty member, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. Prerequisite: One studio art course in the concentration area. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $50
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Studio Projects-Sculpture I — 3568
ART 1612
Madison M. Lavallee
Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, ceramics, photography, electronic arts, design or painting, may register for one, two, or three hours of credit per semester in a studio course in that medium. Students are expected to spend two hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. Studio problem courses are student initiated with each student, together with the faculty member, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. Prerequisite: One studio art course in the concentration area. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $50
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 24 – May 16
9:30 am – 1:20 pm
Graphic Design I — 3569
ART 1730
Ki Ho Park
Students will be introduced to graphic design concepts and skills as a form of visual communication. Fundamentals of language and principles of graphic design structure with an emphasis on media for development of ideas and imagery. Students will research, create thumbnails, refine sketches, and work up visual solutions, integrating these components into their design projects. Students focus on the details of page composition and the relationship of space to clarity, legibility and aesthetics. No requisite. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Graphic Design I — 3581
ART 1730
Ki Ho Park
Students will be introduced to graphic design concepts and skills as a form of visual communication. Fundamentals of language and principles of graphic design structure with an emphasis on media for development of ideas and imagery. Students will research, create thumbnails, refine sketches, and work up visual solutions, integrating these components into their design projects. Students focus on the details of page composition and the relationship of space to clarity, legibility and aesthetics. No requisite. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Graphic Design II — 3570
ART 1750
Ki Ho Park
Expanding on visual communication processes covered in Graphic Design I, students develop concepts and create word/image relationships in a variety of formats. History of graphic design and exploration of current design trends are further explored. Students will consider the role of the audience and diverse perspectives. Integration of digital and traditional studio techniques are encouraged. Prerequisite: ART 1730. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $50
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Graphic Design Internship — 3722
ART 2010
Madison M. Lavallee
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 14
Tattoo Artist Internship — 3739
ART 2010
Madison M. Lavallee
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
Design & Marketing Internship — 3956
ART 2010
Madison M. Lavallee
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
4D Design — 3656
ART 2540
Emily A. Drew
Students will be introduced to concepts and basic principles of designing in time and develop an awareness of time-based problems with a sensitivity to the tools of time-based media, including video editing software. Projects explore contemporary practices in photography, video, media literacy, and socially engaged art. Prerequisite/Corerequisite: ART 1670, ART 2550, or CMM 1710. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
5:30 pm – 7:20 pm
Animation — 3573
ART 2550
Ki Ho Park
Students will be introduced to animation as a contemporary art and design form. Students will use Adobe Creative Software or Blender in addition to emerging software to create standalone and interactive animations based upon a story or theme. The course will begin with an introduction to the history, types and basic principles of animation as well as an overview of animation software. Students will continue to develop skills through concept-based assignments. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ART 1510. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Art+Design: Portfolio & Profes — 3575
ART 2560
Madison M. Lavallee
Students will focus on the process of preparing a professional portfolio to present to potential employers, transfer schools and art professionals. This hands-on course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in art, design or creative fields. Students will create a new body of art or design work in their chosen concentration (painting and drawing, photography and related media, video, printmaking, ceramic/sculpture, computer art, and graphic design). Throughout the course, students will learn how to organize, present and talk about their work as well as prepare resumes and artist statements. It is strongly recommended that students take this course the semester prior to applying to transfer institutions or before applying for jobs. Prerequisite: At least one ART studio course. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $50
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Photo II: Digital & Darkroom — 3572
ART 2590
Mark A. Kirsch
Students will explore the historical, formal and conceptual aspects of photography and develop ideas and images through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, reading and writing assignments, projects and critiques. This studio art course will emphasize the philosophical and technical relationship between the camera and the computer while introducing film photography. The darkroom, film and digital cameras, scanners, image processing software and digital printers will be used to create expressive work. Prerequisite: ART 1670. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Ceramics II — 3576
ART 2600
Vu T. Hong
Students will demonstrate further development of skills with potter's wheel, hand building methods, glazing, decoration techniques, and kiln operations. Wheel throwing and pottery skill development will be emphasized throughout the course. Prerequisite: ART 1590. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:30 pm – 5:25 pm
Intro Ceramics- non-art majors — 3666
ART 7007
Vu T. Hong
This introductory course offers students a hands-on exploration of ceramics, focusing on fundamental techniques and creative expression without requiring prior art experience. Through projects involving hand-building, wheel-throwing, and glazing, students will learn essential skills for working with clay, while gaining an understanding of form, function, and surface treatment. The course also introduces historical and cultural contexts of ceramics, highlighting how this art form has been used across civilizations. Emphasis will be placed on the development of personal style, problem-solving, and creative thinking. This course is designed for non-art majors interested in expanding their artistic knowledge and practical skills. No previous art experience required. No requisites.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $100
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Art & Design: Portfolio II — 3689
ART 8001
Madison M. Lavallee
Students will continue the process of preparing a professional portfolio to present to potential employers, transfer schools and art professionals. This hands-on course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in art, design or creative fields. Students will further develop a body of art or design work in their chosen concentration (painting and drawing, photography and related media, video, printmaking, ceramic/sculpture, computer art, and graphic design). Throughout the course, students will learn how to organize, present and talk about their work as well as prepare resumes and artist statements. It is strongly recommended that students take this course the semester prior to applying to transfer institutions or before applying for jobs. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and at east one studio art course. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Artworks-COCE UP
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Introductory Sign Language I — 3455
ASL 1510
Shanin Haskins
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in ASL at the novice-mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon personal and public identity, family and community, and contemporary life in the Deaf community. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
6:00 pm – 7:55 pm
Introductory Sign Language II — 3456
ASL 1520
Janelle L. Krueger
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in ASL at the novice-high level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon education, travel, leisure, and storytelling in the Deaf community. Prerequisite: ASL 1510; or two years high school ASL. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hamilton Collegiate Center 55
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:00 pm – 5:50 pm
Introductory Sign Language II — 3457
ASL 1520
Janelle L. Krueger
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in ASL at the novice-high level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon education, travel, leisure, and storytelling in the Deaf community. Prerequisite: ASL 1510; or two years high school ASL. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:00 pm – 5:50 pm
Human Biology — 3036
BIO 1500
Andrew W. Pitoniak
This course covers basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn about the chemical basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, tissues, and an overall survey of the organ systems of the body. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, medicine, and health coupled with environmental issues and their impact on health are incorporated into the course. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 22 – May 14
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Human Biology — 3037
BIO 1500
Andrew W. Pitoniak
This course covers basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn about the chemical basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, tissues, and an overall survey of the organ systems of the body. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, medicine, and health coupled with environmental issues and their impact on health are incorporated into the course. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Human Biology - Lab — 3038
BIO 1500
Andrew W. Pitoniak
This course covers basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn about the chemical basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, tissues, and an overall survey of the organ systems of the body. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, medicine, and health coupled with environmental issues and their impact on health are incorporated into the course. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Human Biology - Lab — 3039
BIO 1500
Staci M. Fedyshin
This course covers basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn about the chemical basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, tissues, and an overall survey of the organ systems of the body. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, medicine, and health coupled with environmental issues and their impact on health are incorporated into the course. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 126
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:55 pm
Human Biology — 3616
BIO 1500
Sharon E. Harrington
This course covers basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn about the chemical basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, tissues, and an overall survey of the organ systems of the body. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, medicine, and health coupled with environmental issues and their impact on health are incorporated into the course. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 109
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Health Science — 3040
BIO 1510
Staci M. Fedyshin
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 109
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Health Science — 3042
BIO 1510
Kathleen M. Whitmore
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Health Science — 3043
BIO 1510
Angela R. Honeck
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Health Science — 3044
BIO 1510
Angela R. Honeck
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Health Science — 3046
BIO 1510
Kathleen M. Whitmore
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Health Science — 3617
BIO 1510
Kathleen M. Whitmore
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 109
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Health Science — 3961
BIO 1510
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout
Students will investigate a variety of health-related topics, many of which are useful in planning a healthier lifestyle. Topics include stress, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and reproduction, birth control, sexually transmitted and other diseases, cardiovascular health, cancer, drugs (including alcohol), and environmental health. This survey course is appropriate for non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Environmental Science — 3047
BIO 1551
Darran L. Crabtree
Students will study environmental science emphasizing the history of environmental concerns, biomes, and how species interact with each other?s and their environment (air, water, and soil). Students will investigate biological resources, population dynamics, toxicology, energy resources, land use management, and other related topics. This course is appropriate for both science and non-science majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports; Corequisite: MAT 0550 or Eligibility: college level mathematics. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Principles of Cell & Molecular — 3048
BIO 1570
Kirk J. Parmenter
Students will identify, understand, and interpret fundamental biological principles such as the chemical foundations of life, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, and classical, human and molecular genetics. Prerequisite/Corequisite ENG1510 and CHE1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT0550 or Eligibility MAT 1590 (or higher). J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Princip Cell & Molecular Lab — 3049
BIO 1570
Kirk J. Parmenter
Students will identify, understand, and interpret fundamental biological principles such as the chemical foundations of life, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, and classical, human and molecular genetics. Prerequisite/Corequisite ENG1510 and CHE1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT0550 or Eligibility MAT 1590 (or higher). J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 129
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Princip Cell & Molecular Lab — 3050
BIO 1570
Kirk J. Parmenter
Students will identify, understand, and interpret fundamental biological principles such as the chemical foundations of life, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, and classical, human and molecular genetics. Prerequisite/Corequisite ENG1510 and CHE1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT0550 or Eligibility MAT 1590 (or higher). J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 129
Jan 22 – May 16
5:30 pm – 8:15 pm
Principles-Ecology & Evolution — 3051
BIO 1580
Kirk J. Parmenter
Students will identify and evaluate the general tenets of evolutionary theory, identify and apply principles of ecology and biodiversity, identify the major episodes in the geological history of life, and evaluate and describe the evolutionary history of the Earth?s major plant and animal groups. Laboratory may include one or more outdoor experiences. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510 and CHE 1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550 or Eligibility: MAT 1590 (or higher). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Principles-Eco & Evolution Lab — 3052
BIO 1580
Kirk J. Parmenter
Students will identify and evaluate the general tenets of evolutionary theory, identify and apply principles of ecology and biodiversity, identify the major episodes in the geological history of life, and evaluate and describe the evolutionary history of the Earth?s major plant and animal groups. Laboratory may include one or more outdoor experiences. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510 and CHE 1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550 or Eligibility: MAT 1590 (or higher). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 129
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Veterinary Technician Internsh — 3740
BIO 2020
Andrew W. Pitoniak
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
Anatomy & Physiology I — 3053
BIO 2510
Ellen J. Lehning
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I — 3054
BIO 2510
Timothy R. Johnson
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I — 3055
BIO 2510
Ellen J. Lehning
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3056
BIO 2510
Staci M. Fedyshin
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3057
BIO 2510
Ellen J. Lehning
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 126
Jan 24 – May 16
9:30 am – 12:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3058
BIO 2510
Timothy R. Johnson
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 126
Jan 22 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I — 3059
BIO 2510
Andrea L. Hlasnick
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 308
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3060
BIO 2510
Kirk J. Parmenter
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $30
Allied Health & Sciences Center 215
Jan 24 – May 16
9:30 am – 12:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3061
BIO 2510
Andrea L. Hlasnick
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $30
Allied Health & Sciences Center 215
Jan 22 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I — 3062
BIO 2510
Ellen J. Lehning
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 111
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab — 3063
BIO 2510
Ellen J. Lehning
This first of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses is designed for students who have had little or no previous study of the body or the physical and chemical principles on which body structure and function is based. In this course, students will learn basic chemistry and physics, cytology, and histology. Students will study the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, microscopy, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $30
North County Campus Center LAB
Jan 21 – May 16
4:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II — 3064
BIO 2520
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II — 3065
BIO 2520
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Anatomy & Physiology II — 3066
BIO 2520
Ellen J. Lehning
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3067
BIO 2520
Staci M. Fedyshin
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3068
BIO 2520
Christina M. Slojkowski
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 132
Jan 22 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3069
BIO 2520
Sharon E. Harrington
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 132
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3070
BIO 2520
Christina M. Slojkowski
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 132
Jan 23 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II — 3071
BIO 2520
Alicia J. Avelar
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 204
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3072
BIO 2520
Alicia J. Avelar
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $30
Allied Health & Sciences Center 203
Jan 23 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3073
BIO 2520
Jennifer L. Militello
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $30
Allied Health & Sciences Center 203
Jan 23 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II — 3702
BIO 2520
Jennifer L. Militello
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 308
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab — 3703
BIO 2520
Alicia J. Avelar
In this second of two sequential human anatomy and physiology courses, students will study water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and the following organ systems: urinary, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive. In the accompanying laboratory students will perform animal dissection, organ dissection, and will implement experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $30
Allied Health & Sciences Center 203
Jan 21 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Microbiology — 3074
BIO 2531
Andrew W. Pitoniak
Students will identify the microorganisms of importance to medicine, industry, and the natural world. Topics include microbial taxonomy; cultivation; metabolism; genetics; physical, chemical, and chemotherapeutic agents of microbial control; host defense mechanisms and immunology; biology; epidemiology; and selected bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and viral pathogens of medical significance. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Microbiology — 3077
BIO 2531
Alicia J. Avelar
Students will identify the microorganisms of importance to medicine, industry, and the natural world. Topics include microbial taxonomy; cultivation; metabolism; genetics; physical, chemical, and chemotherapeutic agents of microbial control; host defense mechanisms and immunology; biology; epidemiology; and selected bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and viral pathogens of medical significance. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 204
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Microbiology - LAB — 3075
BIO 2532
Andrew W. Pitoniak
Students will become skilled in appropriate techniques for handling bacterial cultures, identifying specimens and implementing and evaluating various standard diagnostic procedures. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $65
Science Center 105
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Microbiology - LAB — 3076
BIO 2532
Alicia J. Avelar
Students will become skilled in appropriate techniques for handling bacterial cultures, identifying specimens and implementing and evaluating various standard diagnostic procedures. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $65
Science Center 105
Jan 24 – May 16
10:30 am – 1:15 pm
Microbiology - LAB — 3078
BIO 2532
Alicia J. Avelar
Students will become skilled in appropriate techniques for handling bacterial cultures, identifying specimens and implementing and evaluating various standard diagnostic procedures. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $65
Allied Health & Sciences Center 203
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Genetics — 3079
BIO 2560
Andrew W. Pitoniak
Students will identify the fundamental concepts of heredity, including Mendelian principles and extensions, structure and replication of chromosomes, gene and chromosomal mutations, gene linkage and chromosome mapping, transcription and translation, regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of mutation, recombination and repair, population genetics, molecular evolution, cloning and recombinant DNA technology, and other contemporary topics. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570; Prerequisite/Corequisite: CHE 1550 or higher. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Genetics Lab — 3080
BIO 2560
Andrew W. Pitoniak
Students will identify the fundamental concepts of heredity, including Mendelian principles and extensions, structure and replication of chromosomes, gene and chromosomal mutations, gene linkage and chromosome mapping, transcription and translation, regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of mutation, recombination and repair, population genetics, molecular evolution, cloning and recombinant DNA technology, and other contemporary topics. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and BIO 1570; Prerequisite/Corequisite: CHE 1550 or higher. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $65
Science Center 105
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Nutrition — 3668
BIO 2760
Rose M. Dunn
Students will evaluate the importance of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water, energy metabolism, nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, nutrition and disease states, food safety, and consumer issues dealing with nutrition. Prerequisite: BIO 1570 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Keyboarding/Word Processing — 3127
BUS 1360
Jeanne L. Johnston
Students will learn the fundamentals of skill building using Microsoft Word. Document formatting for business correspondence, reports, and tables will be emphasized. A major emphasis is placed on increasing speed/accuracy and improving proofreading skills. No requisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Office Procedures — 3128
BUS 1420
Melanie J. Zandi
Students will prepare to learn and perform procedures to become effective in both the operation and managerial levels required in today's and tomorrow's office. A survey of the automated office and introduction to integrated office systems is emphasized. Students are given a perspective on the role of an office professional and an awareness of the technical developments that have affected the office professional. Course content includes theory and practice in time and work management, telephone techniques, planning/coordinating travel and meetings, and communication skills. No prerequisites. Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Entrepreneurship & Innovation — 3129
BUS 1430
Sarah Bray
This course explores entrepreneurship within the context of an innovation economy. Students will learn skills and processes associated with developing an entrepreneurial mindset such as design thinking, innovative problem-solving, and creativity. Using lean entrepreneurship principles, students will engage in a process to identify a social or economic problem, propose and evaluate possible solutions, and recommend a business model that meets the needs of users in an identified market. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Business — 3130
BUS 1500
Amy A. Schultze
Students will study the elements and characteristics of a free enterprise system and will be presented an overview of functional areas of business and basic concepts of the business world. Some topics include the environment of business, organization and management of the enterprise, management of human resources and production, marketing, finance, government's role in business, social responsibility, and cultural diversity, as well as major societal issues facing today's business executives. Recommended for beginning business students and non-business majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Business — 3131
BUS 1500
Sarah Bray
Students will study the elements and characteristics of a free enterprise system and will be presented an overview of functional areas of business and basic concepts of the business world. Some topics include the environment of business, organization and management of the enterprise, management of human resources and production, marketing, finance, government's role in business, social responsibility, and cultural diversity, as well as major societal issues facing today's business executives. Recommended for beginning business students and non-business majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Business — 3691
BUS 1500
Sarah Bray
Students will study the elements and characteristics of a free enterprise system and will be presented an overview of functional areas of business and basic concepts of the business world. Some topics include the environment of business, organization and management of the enterprise, management of human resources and production, marketing, finance, government's role in business, social responsibility, and cultural diversity, as well as major societal issues facing today's business executives. Recommended for beginning business students and non-business majors. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Princ/Financial Accounting — 3132
BUS 1510
Cindy L. Hinz
Students will gain a broad view of accounting's role in satisfying society's need for financial information. In an overview of the accounting profession, students will understand generally accepted accounting principles underlying the design, integrity, and effectiveness of accounting information systems. Providing relevant financial statements for the decision maker and the use of computers to generate financial information are outlined. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports, and MAT 0600, MAT 1500, or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Princ/Financial Accounting — 3133
BUS 1510
Deborah A. Miller
Students will gain a broad view of accounting's role in satisfying society's need for financial information. In an overview of the accounting profession, students will understand generally accepted accounting principles underlying the design, integrity, and effectiveness of accounting information systems. Providing relevant financial statements for the decision maker and the use of computers to generate financial information are outlined. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports, and MAT 0600, MAT 1500, or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 251
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:00 am – 10:40 am
Princ/Managerial Accounting — 3134
BUS 1520
Cindy L. Hinz
Students will demonstrate basic decision making and analyzing skills in management accounting. Financing a business through debt or capital structures, analysis of cash flows, financial ratios, manufacturing costs, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, and current managerial accounting topics are covered. Prerequisite: BUS 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Princ/Managerial Accounting — 3135
BUS 1520
Deborah A. Miller
Students will demonstrate basic decision making and analyzing skills in management accounting. Financing a business through debt or capital structures, analysis of cash flows, financial ratios, manufacturing costs, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, and current managerial accounting topics are covered. Prerequisite: BUS 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 251
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
Princ/Managerial Accounting — 3136
BUS 1520
Deborah A. Miller
Students will demonstrate basic decision making and analyzing skills in management accounting. Financing a business through debt or capital structures, analysis of cash flows, financial ratios, manufacturing costs, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, and current managerial accounting topics are covered. Prerequisite: BUS 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 210
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
Personal Finance — 3137
BUS 1610
Deborah A. Miller
Students will gain an appreciation of the need for personal financial planning and will learn how to apply such planning to goal setting and budgets. They will evaluate exposures to risk and how insurance fits into a risk management plan. Students will have the ability to coordinate income, assets, and spending into a comprehensive program that takes the planner through the various stages of their life cycle, from college to retirement. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 167
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Personal Finance — 3727
BUS 1610
Deborah A. Miller
Students will gain an appreciation of the need for personal financial planning and will learn how to apply such planning to goal setting and budgets. They will evaluate exposures to risk and how insurance fits into a risk management plan. Students will have the ability to coordinate income, assets, and spending into a comprehensive program that takes the planner through the various stages of their life cycle, from college to retirement. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Tourism & Hospitality — 3138
BUS 1700
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will discover career options within the tourism and hospitality industries. Coverage includes industry pioneers and their contributions; the different forms of industry businesses including independent, chain, franchise, and e-commerce; the daily functions of lodging and food service; and the role of customer service within the industry. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Tourism & Hospitality — 3139
BUS 1700
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will discover career options within the tourism and hospitality industries. Coverage includes industry pioneers and their contributions; the different forms of industry businesses including independent, chain, franchise, and e-commerce; the daily functions of lodging and food service; and the role of customer service within the industry. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 310
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Tourism & Hospitality — 3140
BUS 1700
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will discover career options within the tourism and hospitality industries. Coverage includes industry pioneers and their contributions; the different forms of industry businesses including independent, chain, franchise, and e-commerce; the daily functions of lodging and food service; and the role of customer service within the industry. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Small Business Marketing Inter — 3657
BUS 2010
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty member and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: A minimum of 9 credits of BUS 1400+ and minimum GPA of 2.0. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
Olean Hatch Cafe Internship I — 3947
BUS 2010
Sarah Bray
Students will receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty member and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: A minimum of 9 credits of BUS 1400+ and minimum GPA of 2.0. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Professional Development — 3145
BUS 2420
Krysta M. Rives
Students will learn to integrate theory and practice in a business setting by working 10 hours per week in a business organization. Student, instructor, and internship site supervisor will jointly plan the experience and help the student develop as a professional. A weekly, two-hour seminar focuses on topics related to the professionalism that is required in today's business world. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and must be program major. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Professional Development — 3146
BUS 2420
Krysta M. Rives
Students will learn to integrate theory and practice in a business setting by working 10 hours per week in a business organization. Student, instructor, and internship site supervisor will jointly plan the experience and help the student develop as a professional. A weekly, two-hour seminar focuses on topics related to the professionalism that is required in today's business world. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and must be program major. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Business Law I — 3144
BUS 2530
Dion Daly
Students will study and examine the legal environment of business using the case method in which law is applied to factual situations. In BUS 2530, students study court systems and procedural law, tort and criminal law, constitutional law, and contract law. In BUS 2540, students study the law related to personal property and bailments, real property, secured transactions and bankruptcy, business structure including partnerships and corporations, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Business Law II — 3147
BUS 2540
Dion Daly
Students will study and examine the legal environment of business using the case method in which law is applied to factual situations. In BUS 2530, students study court systems and procedural law, tort and criminal law, constitutional law, and contract law. In BUS 2540, students study the law related to personal property and bailments, real property, secured transactions and bankruptcy, business structure including partnerships and corporations, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 208
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Business Law II — 3148
BUS 2540
Dion Daly
Students will study and examine the legal environment of business using the case method in which law is applied to factual situations. In BUS 2530, students study court systems and procedural law, tort and criminal law, constitutional law, and contract law. In BUS 2540, students study the law related to personal property and bailments, real property, secured transactions and bankruptcy, business structure including partnerships and corporations, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Business Law II — 3149
BUS 2540
Dion Daly
Students will study and examine the legal environment of business using the case method in which law is applied to factual situations. In BUS 2530, students study court systems and procedural law, tort and criminal law, constitutional law, and contract law. In BUS 2540, students study the law related to personal property and bailments, real property, secured transactions and bankruptcy, business structure including partnerships and corporations, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Marketing — 3150
BUS 2550
Sara J. Congdon
Students will study the process of planning and putting into practice various activities involved in the marketing of products, services, or ideas, and analyze the theories involved in the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer. The dynamic nature of the American economy requires students to demonstrate a knowledge of the marketing concept, buyer behavior, product analysis, pricing factors, institutions and channels of distribution, and promotional strategies. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Mgmt / Organizational Behavior — 3153
BUS 2580
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will develop an understanding of the basic concepts of behavioral sciences and their application to performance of individuals working in organizations. Students will study key attitudes and behavior that affect productivity. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect performance such as leadership, motivation, communication, absenteeism, and job satisfaction as well as a basic understanding of how diverse individual styles of interaction contribute to an organization. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Mgmt / Organizational Behavior — 3154
BUS 2580
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will develop an understanding of the basic concepts of behavioral sciences and their application to performance of individuals working in organizations. Students will study key attitudes and behavior that affect productivity. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect performance such as leadership, motivation, communication, absenteeism, and job satisfaction as well as a basic understanding of how diverse individual styles of interaction contribute to an organization. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Mgmt / Organizational Behavior — 3155
BUS 2580
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will develop an understanding of the basic concepts of behavioral sciences and their application to performance of individuals working in organizations. Students will study key attitudes and behavior that affect productivity. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect performance such as leadership, motivation, communication, absenteeism, and job satisfaction as well as a basic understanding of how diverse individual styles of interaction contribute to an organization. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Mgmt / Organizational Behavior — 3156
BUS 2580
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will develop an understanding of the basic concepts of behavioral sciences and their application to performance of individuals working in organizations. Students will study key attitudes and behavior that affect productivity. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect performance such as leadership, motivation, communication, absenteeism, and job satisfaction as well as a basic understanding of how diverse individual styles of interaction contribute to an organization. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Human Resource Management — 3152
BUS 2630
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will learn the basic functions of human resource management in organizations. Topics include organization of jobs, employment, training, labor relations, compensation, appraisal, and benefits. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Ecotourism in Costa Rica — 3664
BUS 7015
Jennifer L. Forney
Students will engage in applied learning, field observations, and reflective processing to explore and understand the impacts and opportunities associated with ecotourism and sustainable practices in Costa Rica and more broadly the impact on the cultural, economic and environmental resources in selected regions of Costa Rica. Through cultural immersion and hands-on experiential learning students will address principles and practices in ecotourism operations and responsible travel. No requisites. J, spring; C, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $3500
Hultquist Library 211
Feb 27 – May 16
4:30 pm – 5:50 pm
Shop Math/Metrology — 3725
CENR 7200
Students will learn the skills necessary to take collegiate level math courses. This course is designed for students who have been away from math for a period of time or have had difficulties with algebra and other math concepts. This course assumes that there is no previous knowledge of algebra, but students should have an understanding of number systems, basic arithmetic operations and their properties. This course will cover basic math skills including arithmetic, manipulating algebraic expressions, solving algebraic equations and basic graphing techniques. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Shop Math/Metrology — 3725
CENR 7200
Mark C. Blair
Students will learn the skills necessary to take collegiate level math courses. This course is designed for students who have been away from math for a period of time or have had difficulties with algebra and other math concepts. This course assumes that there is no previous knowledge of algebra, but students should have an understanding of number systems, basic arithmetic operations and their properties. This course will cover basic math skills including arithmetic, manipulating algebraic expressions, solving algebraic equations and basic graphing techniques. Institutional Course Syllabus
Students will investigate fundamental concepts of chemistry from a theoretical approach using basic scientific tools of measurement and problem solving. Topics include atomic structure, nomenclature, bonding, periodic behavior, chemical equations, acids and bases, gases, liquids, solids, and properties of solutions. The course is for students with little or no chemistry background and/or who wish to continue in CHE 1550. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Eligibility: college level math. J fall; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Allied Health Chemistry — 3083
CHE 1530
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout
Students will consider selected basic concepts from inorganic, organic, and biological chemistry which will be applied to allied health and biological fields. Topics include matter and measurements, chemical bonds and reactions, redox, states of matter, acids and bases, organic functional groups, and common macromolecules in biological systems. The course is for students with little or no chemistry background who are pursuing a degree in an allied health field. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Eligibility: college level math (or prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550). J fall; C fall; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 109
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Allied Health Chemistry — 3085
CHE 1530
Kimberly M. Larson
Students will consider selected basic concepts from inorganic, organic, and biological chemistry which will be applied to allied health and biological fields. Topics include matter and measurements, chemical bonds and reactions, redox, states of matter, acids and bases, organic functional groups, and common macromolecules in biological systems. The course is for students with little or no chemistry background who are pursuing a degree in an allied health field. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Eligibility: college level math (or prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550). J fall; C fall; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
General Chemistry I — 3086
CHE 1550
Lillian N. Truong
Students will investigate fundamental concepts of chemistry from a theoretical perspective with an emphasis on problem solving. Through the laboratory students will attain and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative skills. The chemistry of elements and compounds will be studied through measurements, atomic structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, reaction classification, redox, gases, liquids, and solids. The review class is strongly recommended as an opportunity to practice problem solving, to ask specific questions, and to review returned quizzes and exams. Course content is designed for the science/engineering major who has already taken a chemistry course and who wishes to transfer to a four-year institution. Prerequisite: high school chemistry of CHE 1500; Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1590 or higher (or Eligibility: MAT 1600). J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Chemistry I Lab — 3087
CHE 1550
Lillian N. Truong
Students will investigate fundamental concepts of chemistry from a theoretical perspective with an emphasis on problem solving. Through the laboratory students will attain and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative skills. The chemistry of elements and compounds will be studied through measurements, atomic structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, reaction classification, redox, gases, liquids, and solids. The review class is strongly recommended as an opportunity to practice problem solving, to ask specific questions, and to review returned quizzes and exams. Course content is designed for the science/engineering major who has already taken a chemistry course and who wishes to transfer to a four-year institution. Prerequisite: high school chemistry of CHE 1500; Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1590 or higher (or Eligibility: MAT 1600). J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 104
Jan 23 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
General Chemistry II — 3089
CHE 1560
Lillian N. Truong
A continuation of CHE 1550, students will investigate intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear reactions. Prerequisite: CHE 1550; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1600 or higher, (or Eligibility: MAT 1710). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Chemistry II Lab — 3090
CHE 1560
Lillian N. Truong
A continuation of CHE 1550, students will investigate intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear reactions. Prerequisite: CHE 1550; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1600 or higher, (or Eligibility: MAT 1710). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 104
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
General Chemistry II Lab — 3091
CHE 1560
Ann M. Hartnett
A continuation of CHE 1550, students will investigate intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear reactions. Prerequisite: CHE 1550; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1600 or higher, (or Eligibility: MAT 1710). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 104
Jan 22 – May 16
6:30 pm – 9:15 pm
Organic Chemistry II — 3092
CHE 2540
Kimberly M. Larson
A continuation of CHE 2530, students will extend their studies to the spectroscopic analysis of hydrocarbons. Additional topics include aromatic compounds, adehydes, ketones, carbanions, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, phenols, amino acids, polymers, lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, and nucleic acids. Labs (still microscale) will investigate a range of multistep reaction sequences, as well as a few short classic reactions. Prerequisite: CHE 2530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 104
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Organic Chemistry II Lab — 3093
CHE 2540
Lillian N. Truong
A continuation of CHE 2530, students will extend their studies to the spectroscopic analysis of hydrocarbons. Additional topics include aromatic compounds, adehydes, ketones, carbanions, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, phenols, amino acids, polymers, lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, and nucleic acids. Labs (still microscale) will investigate a range of multistep reaction sequences, as well as a few short classic reactions. Prerequisite: CHE 2530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Science Center 104
Jan 27 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Intro to Communication — 3562
CMM 1510
Gretchen M. Lindell
Students will be introduced to the theories, processes, and applications of verbal and non-verbal human communication and explore why and how people communicate (face-to-face, in public, through the mass media, etc.). Students will also examine the ways that new communication technologies are shaping private and public discourse. Students will gain the skills necessary to recognize and analyze communication failures and be able to apply those skills in the process of becoming more effective communicators. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Public Speaking — 3554
CMM 1610
Simone Sellstrom
Students will learn effective strategies for preparing and delivering engaging and ethical speeches across a variety of speaking contexts. Throughout the course, students will demonstrate key public speaking skills including: supporting points with research, conducting audience analysis, incorporating visual aids, refining delivery style, and employing public speaking competence in both media and non media settings. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 110
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Public Speaking — 3563
CMM 1610
Jeffrey J. Julian
Students will learn effective strategies for preparing and delivering engaging and ethical speeches across a variety of speaking contexts. Throughout the course, students will demonstrate key public speaking skills including: supporting points with research, conducting audience analysis, incorporating visual aids, refining delivery style, and employing public speaking competence in both media and non media settings. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Social Media Mrktng — 3564
CMM 1700
Gretchen M. Lindell
Students will be introduced to foundational concepts in social media marketing and strategic communication. In this course, students will gain hands-on experience with a wide range of social media tools and platforms through case studies and project-based learning involving local businesses/nonprofits. Students will demonstrate proficiency in social media strategy, including; audience analysis, content planning and creation, social media marketing tactics, and success evaluation. At the completion of this course, students will have the necessary knowledge and skill set to launch an effective social media campaign. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Digital Video Production — 3556
CMM 1710
Nicholas D. Smith
Students will be introduced to single camera, post-produced video making. Students will explore shot composition, using a digital video camera, film style shooting, sound recording, and lighting. They will learn how to conduct an audience analysis, write project treatments, and produce storyboards for projects that will be completed during the course. Projects are edited using digital video software and Macintosh computers. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Artworks-COCE DOWN
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:50 am – 10:45 am
Sheldon Center 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:50 am – 10:45 am
Communication @ Work — 3971
CMM 2100
Students will be introduced to the necessary communication skills required to be successful in a professional environment. This practical course will emphasize communication concepts as they apply to the workforce. Students will actively apply oral, written, and digital communication skills throughout the semester including: the creation of a digital portfolio, email/phone/voicemail etiquette, business writing, networking, use of social media platforms, the interviewing process, and cover letter and resume writing for specific purposes. Students will enhance their digital and information literacy skills through completion of this course. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J spring, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Feb 17 – May 16
Interpersonal Communication — 3557
CMM 2500
Simone Sellstrom
Students will develop their ability to examine the interpersonal communication they are likely to encounter in their personal and professional lives. They will describe their interpersonal communication style, and understand the roles played by such factors as verbal and non-verbal cues, communication climate, intimacy, distance, and conflict. Students also learn to recognize obstacles to effective interpersonal communication and develop strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 110
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Mass Commun/Media Literacy — 3558
CMM 2610
Simone Sellstrom
Students will learn about the processes, industries, and issues involved in the mass communication media of books, magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, film, the Internet, and the newest media technologies. They will learn how media has evolved over time and will be able to analyze the coding embedded in mass mediated messages. Students will also study the impact media has on us as individuals, Americans, and world citizens. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 110
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Film Study and Appreciation — 3419
CMM 2840
Simone Sellstrom
Students will learn the film as a world art form and social document, focusing attention on major areas of film, such as history, criticism, and visual literacy. Students explore a range of film productions from silent films to current releases and examine various approaches to film criticism. Prerequisite ENG 1530. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 110
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Direct Support Pro. Internship — 3111
COH 1020
Shannon E. Bessette
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 45 hours of supervised work through an organization, agency, or hospital providing direct support services for clients. Students will apply the skills they have learned in service navigation and referral, networking, teamwork, ethics, and communication skills. Students will further learn how to advocate for individuals and families so that clients can live fulfilled lives integrated into the community. The student, faculty coordinator, and site supervisor will work together to create an appropriate learning experience for the student, which also includes a weekly seminar. Finally, the student will create a professional portfolio revolving around National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals standards. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Fundamentals Supportive Care — 3110
COH 1400
Rachel D. O'Brian
Students will learn the fundamental skills involved in being a Direct Support Professional, including helping clients with their physical, social, and daily living needs, medication management, and therapies. Additionally, students will learn and practice assessment, planning, and communication skills. Students will also be introduced to professional ethical standards such as client confidentiality and cultural competency. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Direct Support Pro. Intern II — 3112
COH 2010
Shannon E. Bessette
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 90 hours of supervised work through an organization, agency, or hospital providing direct support services for clients, beyond the Direct Support Professional Internship 1020. Students will apply the skills they have learned in service navigation and referral, networking, teamwork, ethics, and communication skills. Students will further learn how to advocate for individuals and families so that clients can live fulfilled lives integrated into the community. The student, faculty coordinator, and site supervisor will work together to create an appropriate learning experience for the student, which also includes a weekly seminar. Finally, the student will create a professional portfolio revolving around National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (DSP-2) standards. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Physical Fitness for CJ — 3240
CRI 1290
Brian E. Barone
This is a specialized physical education program for criminal justice students and will emphasize an understanding of physical fitness and its direct application to the criminal justice profession. Specific instructions will cover wellness, physical fitness, and self-evaluation. The general requirements for the police physical agility portion of the civil service examination are explained and incorporated into this course. Prerequisite: criminal justice majors or permission of the instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 203
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Intro Law Enforcement — 3244
CRI 1320
Brian E. Barone
Starting with the origins of American law enforcement, this course concentrates on contemporary law enforcement agencies and their function within the criminal justice system. Students will study police agencies at the local, county, state, and federal levels, and their operational techniques, as well as goals and objectives within specific units of each agency. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro Law Enforcement — 3272
CRI 1320
Brian E. Barone
Starting with the origins of American law enforcement, this course concentrates on contemporary law enforcement agencies and their function within the criminal justice system. Students will study police agencies at the local, county, state, and federal levels, and their operational techniques, as well as goals and objectives within specific units of each agency. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 310
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro Law Enforcement — 3641
CRI 1320
Brian E. Barone
Starting with the origins of American law enforcement, this course concentrates on contemporary law enforcement agencies and their function within the criminal justice system. Students will study police agencies at the local, county, state, and federal levels, and their operational techniques, as well as goals and objectives within specific units of each agency. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 226
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Breath Test Operator — 3026
CRI 1390
Kyle D. Rensel
This course provides a base of knowledge from which to prepare students for the use of breath analysis equipment currently utilized within New York State law enforcement agencies. Instruction will include such topics as: pharmacology of alcohol, alcohol properties, legal issues, current case law, Henry's Law, Infrared Theory, Datamaster nomenclature and operation, court preparation, and lab exercises. Prerequisite: student must be a certified police officer of a recognized law enforcement agency, or by permission of academy director. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 169
Jan 1 – Jan 3
Wed, Thu, Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Report Writing in CJ — 3245
CRI 1420
Matthew J. Bentley
Students will develop knowledge and skills necessary for concise, effective, and accurate report writing. The importance of the narratives required in reports generated by law enforcement personnel and other criminal justice vocations is emphasized. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 168
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Report Writing in CJ — 3270
CRI 1420
Melanie A. Churakos
Students will develop knowledge and skills necessary for concise, effective, and accurate report writing. The importance of the narratives required in reports generated by law enforcement personnel and other criminal justice vocations is emphasized. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 209
Jan 27 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Intro to Criminal Justice — 3247
CRI 1510
Brian E. Barone
An interdisciplinary survey of the American criminal justice system with specific topical emphasis on crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students must learn and discuss cogently the significance of legal and behavioral aspects of crime, the process of justice, various law enforcement entities within the United States, the need for various court structures, and various penal systems. For criminal justice students and those interested in social sciences. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports.J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Criminal Justice — 3250
CRI 1510
Brian E. Barone
An interdisciplinary survey of the American criminal justice system with specific topical emphasis on crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students must learn and discuss cogently the significance of legal and behavioral aspects of crime, the process of justice, various law enforcement entities within the United States, the need for various court structures, and various penal systems. For criminal justice students and those interested in social sciences. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports.J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Criminal Justice — 3271
CRI 1510
Brian E. Barone
An interdisciplinary survey of the American criminal justice system with specific topical emphasis on crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students must learn and discuss cogently the significance of legal and behavioral aspects of crime, the process of justice, various law enforcement entities within the United States, the need for various court structures, and various penal systems. For criminal justice students and those interested in social sciences. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports.J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Criminal Justice — 3276
CRI 1510
Brian E. Barone
An interdisciplinary survey of the American criminal justice system with specific topical emphasis on crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students must learn and discuss cogently the significance of legal and behavioral aspects of crime, the process of justice, various law enforcement entities within the United States, the need for various court structures, and various penal systems. For criminal justice students and those interested in social sciences. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports.J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Stress in Law Enforcement — 3268
CRI 1550
Timothy M. Jackson
Students will learn about the stressors encountered in law enforcement which can have a significant impact on both the law enforcement professional and his or her family. The causes of stress, as well as both short-term and long-term reactions and effects of a stressful incident(s) will be examined. Students will also be exposed to methods of coping with the pressures of the law enforcement profession. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 168
Mar 8 – Mar 9
Sat, Sun
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Homeland Security — 3257
CRI 1560
Joseph A. Gerace
Students will examine the history of international and domestic terrorism and the fundamental concepts of Homeland Security both Pre and Post 9/11. Students will be provided with an overview of the structures and functions of the governmental agencies responsible for protecting the United States from terrorism. Students will review the process of planning and preparation for the potential response to future attacks in the United States. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Homeland Security — 3273
CRI 1560
Joseph A. Gerace
Students will examine the history of international and domestic terrorism and the fundamental concepts of Homeland Security both Pre and Post 9/11. Students will be provided with an overview of the structures and functions of the governmental agencies responsible for protecting the United States from terrorism. Students will review the process of planning and preparation for the potential response to future attacks in the United States. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Homeland Security — 3278
CRI 1560
Joseph A. Gerace
Students will examine the history of international and domestic terrorism and the fundamental concepts of Homeland Security both Pre and Post 9/11. Students will be provided with an overview of the structures and functions of the governmental agencies responsible for protecting the United States from terrorism. Students will review the process of planning and preparation for the potential response to future attacks in the United States. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Intro to Intelligence Studies — 3260
CRI 1600
Aubrey N. Russell
Students will be introduced to the discipline of intelligence and gain understanding of how intelligence systems function, how they fit within the policymaking systems of free societies, and how they are managed and controlled. Students will learn terms and concepts unique to this field and become acquainted with entities within the intelligence community. Students will engage in a historical overview of national security and intelligence policies and strategies from WWII to present. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 208
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Intro to Intelligence Studies — 3274
CRI 1600
Aubrey N. Russell
Students will be introduced to the discipline of intelligence and gain understanding of how intelligence systems function, how they fit within the policymaking systems of free societies, and how they are managed and controlled. Students will learn terms and concepts unique to this field and become acquainted with entities within the intelligence community. Students will engage in a historical overview of national security and intelligence policies and strategies from WWII to present. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Intro to Intelligence Studies — 3277
CRI 1600
Aubrey N. Russell
Students will be introduced to the discipline of intelligence and gain understanding of how intelligence systems function, how they fit within the policymaking systems of free societies, and how they are managed and controlled. Students will learn terms and concepts unique to this field and become acquainted with entities within the intelligence community. Students will engage in a historical overview of national security and intelligence policies and strategies from WWII to present. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Motor Vehicle Stops — 3654
CRI 1630
Jordan M. Abdo
Students will learn about the interaction of law enforcement personnel and citizens during traffic stops. The proper procedures applied during misdemeanor and felony motor vehicle stops are also examined. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 168
Apr 26 – Apr 27
Sat, Sun
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Gangs and Criminal Justice — 3267
CRI 1730
Brian E. Barone
Students will learn the development and history of gangs in the United States which includes studying different criminal enterprises in which gangs are involved and solutions to the gang problems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 168
Mar 22 – Mar 23
Sat, Sun
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Law Enforcement Academy II — 3025
CRI 2260
Kyle D. Rensel
New York State mandates training in the criminal justice system and provides an in-depth academic and practical law enforcement experience. Students are required to learn, understand, and apply the requisite functions of a recruit police officer as stated by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services and the Municipal Police Training Council. Eligibility: student must be current Chautauqua County Sheriff's Academy recruit. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 169
Jan 2 – May 23
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Criminal Investigation — 3262
CRI 2370
Vincent J. Gerace
Analyzes the basic procedures used in the investigation of a criminal matter. Students are required to demonstrate proper crime scene investigation techniques via photographing, sketching, and evidence collection for crimes against property and crimes against a person as well as study interview and interrogation techniques and courtroom demeanor and testimony. Prerequisites: CRI 1510; Prerequisite (or Corequisite): ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 167
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Criminal Investigation — 3744
CRI 2370
Vincent J. Gerace
Analyzes the basic procedures used in the investigation of a criminal matter. Students are required to demonstrate proper crime scene investigation techniques via photographing, sketching, and evidence collection for crimes against property and crimes against a person as well as study interview and interrogation techniques and courtroom demeanor and testimony. Prerequisites: CRI 1510; Prerequisite (or Corequisite): ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Standardized Fld Sobriety Test — 3027
CRI 2420
Kyle D. Rensel
Students will develop knowledge about how drugs impair human functions. Students will gain practical skills in administering standardized field sobriety testing as well as investigative skills in relation to intoxicated drivers. Eligibility: student must be current Chautauqua County Sheriff's Academy recruit or New York state certified police/peace officer. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 169
Jan 14 – Jan 16
Tue, Wed, Thu
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Law Enforcement Practicum — 3029
CRI 2470
Kyle D. Rensel
This experiential format places the student in the field for on-the-job training. Students will apply their academic learning in real settings and are assigned to certified field instructors who will evaluate the individual on a daily basis. Evaluations are based primarily on knowledge of the law, interpersonal skills and initiative, familiarity with forms, and the overall quality of demeanor expected of law enforcement officers. Corequisites: CRI 2250, CRI 2380, CRI 2460, and compliance with New York state regulations. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center
Feb 28 – May 16
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Criminal Law — 3263
CRI 2530
Marilyn C. Gerace
Course includes an analysis of the origin and general principles of criminal law. Incorporates substantive criminal law with emphasis on the elements of each crime and the proof required to prosecute or defend the crime charged. Students are required to apply various judicial decisions to appropriate class discussions. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Criminal Law — 3264
CRI 2530
Marilyn C. Gerace
Course includes an analysis of the origin and general principles of criminal law. Incorporates substantive criminal law with emphasis on the elements of each crime and the proof required to prosecute or defend the crime charged. Students are required to apply various judicial decisions to appropriate class discussions. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Criminal Law — 3275
CRI 2530
Marilyn C. Gerace
Course includes an analysis of the origin and general principles of criminal law. Incorporates substantive criminal law with emphasis on the elements of each crime and the proof required to prosecute or defend the crime charged. Students are required to apply various judicial decisions to appropriate class discussions. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Ethics in Criminal Justice — 3265
CRI 2550
Marilyn C. Gerace
Students will explore many of the ethical problems confronting legal system personnel, including police, lawyers, judges, and corrections personnel. Course materials will focus on ethical systems, the concepts of law and justice, and various real life ethical dilemmas. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 27 – May 16
4:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Ethics in Criminal Justice — 3642
CRI 2550
Marilyn C. Gerace
Students will explore many of the ethical problems confronting legal system personnel, including police, lawyers, judges, and corrections personnel. Course materials will focus on ethical systems, the concepts of law and justice, and various real life ethical dilemmas. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 27 – May 16
4:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Organized Crime in the US — 3266
CRI 2570
Brian E. Barone
Studies the evolution of organized crime in America from the 19th century to the present. Students will demonstrate knowledge of different types of organized crime, how they affect our economy, and will become familiar with the government's response to criminal organizations. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, CRI 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 168
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Cybersecurity — 3234
CSC 1520
Jeffrey R. Davis
Students will be introduced to the basics of computer security, also known as cybersecurity. The course will also provide students with a basic understanding of the types of security weaknesses and the defense strategies needed to minimize those vulnerabilities. This course combines the theoretical knowledge with the hands-on practical exercises to ensure students are well-equipped to tackle real-world cybersecurity challenges.This course introduces the topics covered by the CompTia Security+ Certification. Additional coursework will be needed prior to taking the CompTia Security+ exam. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CSC 1580, CSC 2510 strongly recommended. Online fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Introduction to HTML & CSS — 3235
CSC 1530
Jonathan J. Blair
Students will study HTML language, usability concepts, and embedding JavaScript programming code. Students will design web pages using tables, forms, cascading style sheets, multimedia, and JavaScript. Students will also learn how to publish a web page with video clips and sound. No requisites. J fall; C fall; Online, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 124
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Computer App Software I — 3236
CSC 1560
Sung J. Lee
Students use application software such as Microsoft Office to study word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. The integration and practical application of these topics is stressed throughout the course. Students will spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Corequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer App Software I — 3237
CSC 1560
David C. Lasky
Students use application software such as Microsoft Office to study word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. The integration and practical application of these topics is stressed throughout the course. Students will spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Corequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 207
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:20 pm – 6:00 pm
Computer App Software I — 3241
CSC 1560
David C. Lasky
Students use application software such as Microsoft Office to study word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. The integration and practical application of these topics is stressed throughout the course. Students will spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Corequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:20 pm – 6:00 pm
Programming Concepts/Appl — 3239
CSC 1570
Jonathan J. Blair
Students will learn the components of the programming cycle including problem analysis, algorithm development, design implementation, debugging, and acceptable documentation standards. Students will implement their algorithms using an object-oriented programming language. Eligibility: College-level math. J fall, spring; C fall; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 122
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Programming Concepts/Appl — 3242
CSC 1570
Jeffrey J. Joy
Students will learn the components of the programming cycle including problem analysis, algorithm development, design implementation, debugging, and acceptable documentation standards. Students will implement their algorithms using an object-oriented programming language. Eligibility: College-level math. J fall, spring; C fall; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Hardware&Sys Software — 3248
CSC 1580
William H. Sims
Students will study the design, installation, configuration, and maintenance of hardware and software components of a computer. Interior components covered include memory, disk drives, expansion cards, and power supplies. Other common I/O devices and peripherals such as printers and the mouse are studied. Major categories of system software, operating systems, and diagnostic utilities are covered. No requisites. J fall, spring; C spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Hardware&Sys Software — 3619
CSC 1580
Jeffrey R. Davis
Students will study the design, installation, configuration, and maintenance of hardware and software components of a computer. Interior components covered include memory, disk drives, expansion cards, and power supplies. Other common I/O devices and peripherals such as printers and the mouse are studied. Major categories of system software, operating systems, and diagnostic utilities are covered. No requisites. J fall, spring; C spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Programming — 3249
CSC 1590
Sung J. Lee
Students will learn algorithm development and object-oriented program design using an object-oriented language such as Java. Topics include control structures, program debugging, documentation, user-defined methods, parameter passing, graphical user interfaces, arrays, and user-defined classes. Students spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Prerequisite: CSC 1570. J spring; C spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Programming — 3950
CSC 1590
Sung J. Lee
Students will learn algorithm development and object-oriented program design using an object-oriented language such as Java. Topics include control structures, program debugging, documentation, user-defined methods, parameter passing, graphical user interfaces, arrays, and user-defined classes. Students spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Prerequisite: CSC 1570. J spring; C spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Data Structures — 3251
CSC 1600
Sung J. Lee
This course continues the study of algorithm development involving data structures, data abstraction, recursion, sorting, and searching. Topics in data structures include stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees. Large programming systems with multiple modules are designed and implemented using an object-oriented programming language such as Java or Python. Prerequisite: CSC 1590 and Eligibility: MAT 1710. J occasionally; C occasionally; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Programming SCI/ENR — 3252
CSC 1610
Adam R. Gould
Students will use a microcomputer as a computation and analysis tool in engineering and scientific calculations. Students will study problem solving, numeric data storage and precision limitations, structured algorithm design, and numerical analysis methods. Students will write computer programs in a C based language to solve mathematical problems specific to the science and engineering fields. The principles of program control structures will be explored, including: selection, loops, functions, and recursive functions. Eligibility: MAT 1720 or higher. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 122
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
CIT Capstone — 3253
CSC 2450
Jonathan J. Blair
Students investigate current topics in computer information technology. Regular class sessions center on investigation of these issues with students leading the discussion. Students will reflect on and discuss ethics as it pertains to the field of computing. Students prepare for entry into the workplace through professional writing assignments and discussions of workplace survival skills. Prerequisite: Student must be within one semester of graduation in the A.A.S. Information Technology or Computer Information Systems degree program or have permission of the instructor. Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Adv/Ntwrkng/Computer/Securit — 3254
CSC 2480
Jonathan J. Blair
Students will gain a greater understanding of computer networks with an emphasis on network security. Topics will include law and ethics, network policies, IT audits, system inventorying, remote control, traffic monitoring and routing, malicious codes such as viruses, WAN interfacing, the Internet, addressing, TCP/IP utilities, RAS, VPN, firewalls, encryption, and security issues. Students will use a variety of software tools to evaluate the security effectiveness and operational efficiency of different computer systems and configurations. Prerequisite: CSC 1570, CSC 1580, and CSC 2510. J occasionally; C occasionally; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Introduction to Networks — 3255
CSC 2510
William H. Sims
Students will explore topics in computer networking including networking design and architecture, data transmission, standards, and protocols. Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) will be studied along with the technologies that support the Internet. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate knowledge of these topics and have the ability to work with these concepts. Students will have some hands-on experience in this course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CSC 1570. J fall, spring; C spring; Online fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Introduction to Networks — 3620
CSC 2510
Sung J. Lee
Students will explore topics in computer networking including networking design and architecture, data transmission, standards, and protocols. Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) will be studied along with the technologies that support the Internet. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate knowledge of these topics and have the ability to work with these concepts. Students will have some hands-on experience in this course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CSC 1570. J fall, spring; C spring; Online fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 207
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Introduction to Networks — 3621
CSC 2510
Sung J. Lee
Students will explore topics in computer networking including networking design and architecture, data transmission, standards, and protocols. Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) will be studied along with the technologies that support the Internet. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate knowledge of these topics and have the ability to work with these concepts. Students will have some hands-on experience in this course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: CSC 1570. J fall, spring; C spring; Online fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Systems Analysis — 3256
CSC 2540
William H. Sims
Systems analysis and design determines the direction and scope of information system projects. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate the ability to discuss solutions to business problems, interviewing techniques, process analysis, the system life cycle, construction of data flow diagrams, interface design options, and project management. Students will apply the concepts to real problem situations. Prerequisite: CSC 1570 or CSC 1760. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Database Management — 3259
CSC 2660
Jeffrey R. Davis
Students will learn about database design methodology, exploring various data models, particularly the relational model. Topics include relational algebra, query languages, design techniques, security considerations, and database implementation. Students will use a database management system such as Oracle or MySQL. Prerequisite: CSC 1570 or CSC 1760. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Computer Organization — 3258
CSC 2670
Jonathan J. Blair
Upon course completion, students will demonstrate the ability to discuss the hierarchy of a computer system including digital-logic level, machine level, operating system level, and assembly level. Students will also be able to list major differences between various computer systems. Students work on projects that might include assembly language programming, internal organization of a typical PC, number systems, and digital logic. Prerequisite: CSC 1590 or equivalent programming experience. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Macroeconomic Principles — 3159
ECO 2610
Dion Daly
Students will be introduced to how the US economy functions as part of an open economy, as it relates to international trade and finance. Students will learn to recognize the role of supply and demand, different economic systems, the private and public sectors, and evaluate unemployment, inflation, and Gross Domestic Product as indicators of economic activity. Students will evaluate matters of fiscal policy, monetary policy, and conflicting economic opinions. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 203
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Macroeconomic Principles — 3160
ECO 2610
Sarah Bray
Students will be introduced to how the US economy functions as part of an open economy, as it relates to international trade and finance. Students will learn to recognize the role of supply and demand, different economic systems, the private and public sectors, and evaluate unemployment, inflation, and Gross Domestic Product as indicators of economic activity. Students will evaluate matters of fiscal policy, monetary policy, and conflicting economic opinions. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 310
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Macroeconomic Principles — 3692
ECO 2610
Sarah Bray
Students will be introduced to how the US economy functions as part of an open economy, as it relates to international trade and finance. Students will learn to recognize the role of supply and demand, different economic systems, the private and public sectors, and evaluate unemployment, inflation, and Gross Domestic Product as indicators of economic activity. Students will evaluate matters of fiscal policy, monetary policy, and conflicting economic opinions. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Microeconomic Principles — 3158
ECO 2620
Dion Daly
Students will examine principles of supply and demand with an applied analysis of consumer demand, sensitivity to price changes (elasticity), and utility. Using cost and revenue information, students will demonstrate the theoretical market of perfect competition and monopolies along with realistic alternative markets like monopolistic competition and oligopolies. Students will recognize the role of comparative advantage and specialization in international trade. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 215
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Microeconomic Principles — 3161
ECO 2620
Edward E. Einhouse
Students will examine principles of supply and demand with an applied analysis of consumer demand, sensitivity to price changes (elasticity), and utility. Using cost and revenue information, students will demonstrate the theoretical market of perfect competition and monopolies along with realistic alternative markets like monopolistic competition and oligopolies. Students will recognize the role of comparative advantage and specialization in international trade. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Early Childhood Development — 3279
EDU 1250
Renee L. Funke
Students will examine the developmental stages of young children including their physical, intellectual, and social-emotional capabilities, emphasizing the wide variation in abilities and behaviors in children. The basic concepts of developmental characteristics of children from birth through eight years of age are to be understood as a foundation for planning appropriate activities for children and establishing appropriate expectations of young children. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – Apr 2
Health/Safety/Nutrition/Child — 3280
EDU 1260
Renee L. Funke
Students will focus on basic considerations for establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy, and developmentally appropriate environment for young children. Ways to promote good health and nutrition are presented, and prevention and reduction of injuries are explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro Early Childhood Ed/Care — 3281
EDU 1290
Ella M. Ames
Students will be introduced to the field of early childhood care and education. An overall view of the field includes history and theory; social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative development of young children; how early childhood professionals and early childhood programs meet the needs of young children and their families; and models of early childhood programs. This course introduces the activities and materials of the early childhood profession. Students will also complete 40 hours of fieldwork in a local childcare center. No requisites. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Foundations/Education-Tchg Pro — 3282
EDU 1510
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be provided with information and experiences that will be helpful in deciding whether or not a career in education seems to be an appropriate choice. This course explores the philosophical and socio-cultural roots of education. Students will also examine the political, economic, legal, and ethical basis of American education. Contemporary issues facing education will be examined within the context of teachers, students, schools, and curriculum. Students will also complete a 40 hour internship in a local school. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Foundations/Education-Tchg Pro — 3289
EDU 1510
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be provided with information and experiences that will be helpful in deciding whether or not a career in education seems to be an appropriate choice. This course explores the philosophical and socio-cultural roots of education. Students will also examine the political, economic, legal, and ethical basis of American education. Contemporary issues facing education will be examined within the context of teachers, students, schools, and curriculum. Students will also complete a 40 hour internship in a local school. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Foundations/Education-Tchg Pro — 3290
EDU 1510
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be provided with information and experiences that will be helpful in deciding whether or not a career in education seems to be an appropriate choice. This course explores the philosophical and socio-cultural roots of education. Students will also examine the political, economic, legal, and ethical basis of American education. Contemporary issues facing education will be examined within the context of teachers, students, schools, and curriculum. Students will also complete a 40 hour internship in a local school. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Foundations/Education-Tchg Pro — 3291
EDU 1510
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be provided with information and experiences that will be helpful in deciding whether or not a career in education seems to be an appropriate choice. This course explores the philosophical and socio-cultural roots of education. Students will also examine the political, economic, legal, and ethical basis of American education. Contemporary issues facing education will be examined within the context of teachers, students, schools, and curriculum. Students will also complete a 40 hour internship in a local school. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 226
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Foundations/Education-Tchg Pro — 3292
EDU 1510
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be provided with information and experiences that will be helpful in deciding whether or not a career in education seems to be an appropriate choice. This course explores the philosophical and socio-cultural roots of education. Students will also examine the political, economic, legal, and ethical basis of American education. Contemporary issues facing education will be examined within the context of teachers, students, schools, and curriculum. Students will also complete a 40 hour internship in a local school. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Spain Internship II — 3939
EDU 2020
Renee L. Funke
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: EDU 1290 or higher, completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Behavior Mgm - Inclusive Class — 3300
EDU 2330
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be introduced to methods, strategies, and techniques used in the management of elementary and secondary classrooms. Students will develop appropriate classroom management skills and strengthen their understanding of the relationships among classroom environment, classroom behavior, and learning. Students will gain knowledge of disciplinary and management models, strategies to increase achievement and motivate learners, and skills to manage inclusive classrooms. Students will create a classroom management plan that aligns with their philosophy of education. J, fall spring; Olean, fall spring. Prerequisite: ENG 1530.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 27 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Behavior Mgm - Inclusive Class — 3301
EDU 2330
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be introduced to methods, strategies, and techniques used in the management of elementary and secondary classrooms. Students will develop appropriate classroom management skills and strengthen their understanding of the relationships among classroom environment, classroom behavior, and learning. Students will gain knowledge of disciplinary and management models, strategies to increase achievement and motivate learners, and skills to manage inclusive classrooms. Students will create a classroom management plan that aligns with their philosophy of education. J, fall spring; Olean, fall spring. Prerequisite: ENG 1530.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 27 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Behavior Mgm - Inclusive Class — 3302
EDU 2330
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be introduced to methods, strategies, and techniques used in the management of elementary and secondary classrooms. Students will develop appropriate classroom management skills and strengthen their understanding of the relationships among classroom environment, classroom behavior, and learning. Students will gain knowledge of disciplinary and management models, strategies to increase achievement and motivate learners, and skills to manage inclusive classrooms. Students will create a classroom management plan that aligns with their philosophy of education. J, fall spring; Olean, fall spring. Prerequisite: ENG 1530.
Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center
Jan 27 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Behavior Mgm - Inclusive Class — 3304
EDU 2330
Heather A. Metzger
Students will be introduced to methods, strategies, and techniques used in the management of elementary and secondary classrooms. Students will develop appropriate classroom management skills and strengthen their understanding of the relationships among classroom environment, classroom behavior, and learning. Students will gain knowledge of disciplinary and management models, strategies to increase achievement and motivate learners, and skills to manage inclusive classrooms. Students will create a classroom management plan that aligns with their philosophy of education. J, fall spring; Olean, fall spring. Prerequisite: ENG 1530.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 27 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Children's Literature — 3305
EDU 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530.J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 22 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Children's Literature — 3306
EDU 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530.J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 22 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Children's Literature — 3308
EDU 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530.J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Exceptional Children — 3309
EDU 2450
Heather A. Metzger
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of exceptional children and youth, the ways they are served in public schools, appropriate attitudes toward human viability, and individual differences. Current legal and instructional issues and methods are discussed. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Prerequisite: PSY 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Exp/Exceptional Child — 3310
EDU 2460
Renee L. Funke
Students will spend four to five hours per week in an educational setting working one-on-one or in small groups with students with identified disabilities as well as those at risk for academic failure. A regularly scheduled on-campus seminar is part of the course. Students spend a minimum of 45 hours in their educational setting during the semester in addition to the seminar. Designed primarily for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a baccalaureate degree in teacher education. Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDU 2450. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Exp/Exceptional Child — 3311
EDU 2460
Renee L. Funke
Students will spend four to five hours per week in an educational setting working one-on-one or in small groups with students with identified disabilities as well as those at risk for academic failure. A regularly scheduled on-campus seminar is part of the course. Students spend a minimum of 45 hours in their educational setting during the semester in addition to the seminar. Designed primarily for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a baccalaureate degree in teacher education. Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDU 2450. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Literacy in the Classroom — 3312
EDU 2500
Kelli Spink
Students will develop a basic foundation in literacy instruction. The five components of reading, basic reading disabilities, and applications to curriculum and instruction will be explored. In addition, students will examine the basics of literacy approaches including the collection and interpretation of data. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Phlsphy/Tchnqs-Early Childhood — 3313
EDU 2510
Renee L. Funke
Students will examine the basic concepts of a child's psychological and intellectual development in relation to methods and techniques appropriate to early care and education programs. Developmentally appropriate practices will be emphasized as they apply to the skills used with young children (birth to age 8), individually and in groups. Participation in observations and practice will be required. Prerequisite PSY 2520 and EDU 1290. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 22 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Phlsphy/Tchnqs-Early Childhood — 3314
EDU 2510
Renee L. Funke
Students will examine the basic concepts of a child's psychological and intellectual development in relation to methods and techniques appropriate to early care and education programs. Developmentally appropriate practices will be emphasized as they apply to the skills used with young children (birth to age 8), individually and in groups. Participation in observations and practice will be required. Prerequisite PSY 2520 and EDU 1290. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 22 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Phlsphy/Tchnqs-Early Childhood — 3315
EDU 2510
Renee L. Funke
Students will examine the basic concepts of a child's psychological and intellectual development in relation to methods and techniques appropriate to early care and education programs. Developmentally appropriate practices will be emphasized as they apply to the skills used with young children (birth to age 8), individually and in groups. Participation in observations and practice will be required. Prerequisite PSY 2520 and EDU 1290. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 226
Jan 22 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Phlsphy/Tchnqs-Early Childhood — 3316
EDU 2510
Renee L. Funke
Students will examine the basic concepts of a child's psychological and intellectual development in relation to methods and techniques appropriate to early care and education programs. Developmentally appropriate practices will be emphasized as they apply to the skills used with young children (birth to age 8), individually and in groups. Participation in observations and practice will be required. Prerequisite PSY 2520 and EDU 1290. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Award Winning Young Adult Lit — 3317
EDU 2650
Renee L. Funke
Students will discuss and prepare to teach a wide variety of young adult literature in various cultural settings as they examine the defining components of the adolescent experience. This course will be of particular interest to students majoring in secondary education as well as those students who enjoy reading young adult literature as the class is a study of the variety of texts written for and about adolescents. Students will read and discuss a range of assigned and self selected award-winning books. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Industrial Automation/PLC — 3113
ELC 1220
Paul A. McCutcheon
Students will investigate the principles and applications of programmable logic controllers and how they are used in manufacturing automation. PLC hardware, programming software using ladder logic, and PLC applications will be emphasized .Eligibility MAT 1590 or Corequisite MAT 0550. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 23 – May 8
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Electric Motors/Control System — 3114
ELC 1230
Paul A. McCutcheon
Students will learn the fundamental concepts of motors and motor controls. Topics include ladder diagrams, pilot devices, contactors, motor starters, motors, and other control devices. Upon completion, students will be able to properly select, connect, and troubleshoot motors and control circuits. Prerequisite ELC 1200. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 21 – May 13
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Advanced PLC's — 3115
ELC 2220
Paul A. McCutcheon
Students will learn about the programming and applications of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This course will focus on program troubleshooting, hardware troubleshooting, data manipulation, math instructions, subroutines, and event-driven and time-driven sequences. Advanced topics such as HMI devised, PID, applications to robotics, data communications, and SCADA will be discussed. Prerequisite: ELC 1220. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 27 – May 12
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Develop Reading Versatility — 3401
ENG 0410
Justin R. March
Students will develop more versatile reading and study skills such as greater speed and comprehension of varied reading materials, improved retention of subject matter, skimming, and scanning of textbooks and magazine articles, improved vocabulary and word recognition, and greater enjoyment and understanding of literature. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 221
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Develop Reading Versatility — 3421
ENG 0410
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop more versatile reading and study skills such as greater speed and comprehension of varied reading materials, improved retention of subject matter, skimming, and scanning of textbooks and magazine articles, improved vocabulary and word recognition, and greater enjoyment and understanding of literature. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 21 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Develop Reading Versatility — 3422
ENG 0410
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop more versatile reading and study skills such as greater speed and comprehension of varied reading materials, improved retention of subject matter, skimming, and scanning of textbooks and magazine articles, improved vocabulary and word recognition, and greater enjoyment and understanding of literature. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Develop Reading Versatility — 3440
ENG 0410
John Keating
Students will develop more versatile reading and study skills such as greater speed and comprehension of varied reading materials, improved retention of subject matter, skimming, and scanning of textbooks and magazine articles, improved vocabulary and word recognition, and greater enjoyment and understanding of literature. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Composition I Workshop — 3424
ENG 0500
Johnny A. Stein
Students will work in a supportive classroom setting with their peers and a workshop instructor to ensure they have the tools needed for success in ENG 1510. Students will drive class instruction through their questions about ENG 1510 course content, processes, and assignments. Additionally, students will spend time workshopping draft compositions and will engage in discussion about successful time management and overcoming barriers to success in college. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J, fall/spring; C, fall/spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
2:55 pm – 3:15 pm
Composition I Workshop — 3426
ENG 0500
Nancy R. Griswold
Students will work in a supportive classroom setting with their peers and a workshop instructor to ensure they have the tools needed for success in ENG 1510. Students will drive class instruction through their questions about ENG 1510 course content, processes, and assignments. Additionally, students will spend time workshopping draft compositions and will engage in discussion about successful time management and overcoming barriers to success in college. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J, fall/spring; C, fall/spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 225
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 11:50 am
Composition I Workshop — 3429
ENG 0500
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will work in a supportive classroom setting with their peers and a workshop instructor to ensure they have the tools needed for success in ENG 1510. Students will drive class instruction through their questions about ENG 1510 course content, processes, and assignments. Additionally, students will spend time workshopping draft compositions and will engage in discussion about successful time management and overcoming barriers to success in college. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J, fall/spring; C, fall/spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 225
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
2:55 pm – 3:45 pm
Composition I Workshop — 3434
ENG 0500
Karen J. Weyant
Students will work in a supportive classroom setting with their peers and a workshop instructor to ensure they have the tools needed for success in ENG 1510. Students will drive class instruction through their questions about ENG 1510 course content, processes, and assignments. Additionally, students will spend time workshopping draft compositions and will engage in discussion about successful time management and overcoming barriers to success in college. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J, fall/spring; C, fall/spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Composition I Workshop — 3437
ENG 0500
Victoria Knowles
Students will work in a supportive classroom setting with their peers and a workshop instructor to ensure they have the tools needed for success in ENG 1510. Students will drive class instruction through their questions about ENG 1510 course content, processes, and assignments. Additionally, students will spend time workshopping draft compositions and will engage in discussion about successful time management and overcoming barriers to success in college. Corequisite: ENG 1510. J, fall/spring; C, fall/spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
2:55 pm – 3:45 pm
English Composition I — 3402
ENG 1510
Nancy R. Griswold
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition I — 3412
ENG 1510
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 225
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition I — 3423
ENG 1510
Johnny A. Stein
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Comp I (coreq 3424) — 3425
ENG 1510
Johnny A. Stein
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition I — 3427
ENG 1510
Nancy R. Griswold
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 229
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
English Comp I (coreq 3426) — 3428
ENG 1510
Nancy R. Griswold
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 229
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
English Comp I (coreq 3429) — 3430
ENG 1510
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 225
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition I — 3431
ENG 1510
John Keating
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Comp I (coreq 3432) — 3433
ENG 1510
John Keating
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition I — 3435
ENG 1510
Karen J. Weyant
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Comp I (coreq 3434) — 3436
ENG 1510
Karen J. Weyant
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition I — 3438
ENG 1510
Victoria Knowles
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Comp I (coreq 3437) — 3439
ENG 1510
Victoria Knowles
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition I — 3451
ENG 1510
Gilbert N. Higgins
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition I — 3452
ENG 1510
Matthew J. Turner
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition I — 3453
ENG 1510
Mandy J. Colosimo
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition I — 3948
ENG 1510
Karen J. Weyant
Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. Corequisite: Support courses as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3404
ENG 1530
Gilbert N. Higgins
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:00 am – 9:15 am
English Composition II — 3405
ENG 1530
Gilbert N. Higgins
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
English Composition II — 3406
ENG 1530
Christopher Munde
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 223
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition II — 3407
ENG 1530
Jonathan G. Griffin
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 223
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition II — 3409
ENG 1530
Karen J. Weyant
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 221
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
English Composition II — 3410
ENG 1530
Gilbert N. Higgins
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 221
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition II — 3411
ENG 1530
Johnny A. Stein
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition II — 3413
ENG 1530
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 225
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition II — 3414
ENG 1530
John Keating
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
English Composition II — 3416
ENG 1530
Gilbert N. Higgins
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 229
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
English Composition II — 3420
ENG 1530
Christopher Munde
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 223
Jan 27 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
English Composition II — 3441
ENG 1530
Johnny A. Stein
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
English Composition II — 3444
ENG 1530
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3445
ENG 1530
Dale G. Yerpe
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3446
ENG 1530
Johnny A. Stein
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3447
ENG 1530
Johnny A. Stein
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3454
ENG 1530
Lynn M. Classon
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3949
ENG 1530
Lynn M. Classon
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
English Composition II — 3970
ENG 1530
Julie L. Miller
Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantial, and logical essays. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills required in higher education, employment, and life. Students will also learn to conduct research and write a research paper. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Literary Studies — 3966
ENG 1540
Justin R. March
Students will explore the concept of the literature and its history, be introduced to and interrogate the literary canon, and learn to read across literary genres: narrative, poetry, and drama. Students will read texts that represent a variety of perspectives, periods, and cultures and in doing so will develop foundational skills for literary analysis. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Children's Literature — 3698
ENG 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Children's Literature — 3699
ENG 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 22 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Children's Literature — 3701
ENG 2440
Renee L. Funke
Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of children's literature with emphasis on identification and familiarization of the different types of children's literature, the influence that literature can have on children's and adults' lives, and the development of effective and creative methods of using literature with children. Use of current technology is included. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Creative Writing — 3442
ENG 2540
Christopher Munde
Students will develop and practice creative written expression. Emphasis on poetry or prose may vary with instructors, but primary attention is placed on the development of a student's writing style. Prerequisites: ENG 1530. J fall, spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Women in Literature — 3448
ENG 2600
Jennifer M. Reeher
Students will examine literature to analyze the ways in which it represents women's roles and identities throughout history and across cultures. Students will analyze the diversity of women's experiences as both authors of and characters in literary texts, exploring these from feminist and gender studies perspectives. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – Apr 4
Award Winning Young Adult Lit — 3450
ENG 2650
Renee L. Funke
Students will discuss and prepare to teach a wide variety of young adult literature in various cultural settings as they examine the defining components of the adolescent experience. This course will be of particular interest to students majoring in secondary education as well as those students who enjoy reading young adult literature as the class is a study of the variety of texts written for and about adolescents. Students will read and discuss a range of assigned and self selected award-winning books. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Film Study and Appreciation — 3417
ENG 2840
Simone Sellstrom
Students will learn the film as a world art form and social document, focusing attention on major areas of film, such as history, criticism, and visual literacy. Students explore a range of film productions from silent films to current releases and examine various approaches to film criticism. Prerequisite ENG 1530. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 110
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Creative Nonfiction — 3449
ENG 2890
Karen J. Weyant
Students will explore creative nonfiction by practicing literary techniques in conjunction with telling true stories. Students will examine various subgenres of creative nonfiction including memoir writing, travel writing, personal essays, lyric essays, and literary journalism. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Mechanics-Dynamics — 3116
ENR 2560
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will study time derivatives of vectors using Cartesian, cylindrical, and path coordinates. The dynamics of a particle from a single frame of reference including rectilinear and central force problems are stressed. Other topics are conservation of energy and momentum as applied to dynamic problems. Rigid body rotations and Coriolis acceleration are studied in detail. Prerequisite: ENR 2550; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 2680. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 22 – May 14
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Strength of Materials — 3117
ENR 2580
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will be able to explain the concepts of stress and strain and the relationships between them in the solution of problems such as beams, columns, torsional members, connections and combined loading (Mohrs circle). Stress concentrations, thin-walled pressure vessels, and beam deflections are covered. Laboratory experiences include standard tests to determine properties of various materials when subjected to normal stress, bending, shear impact, and torsion loading. Hardness tests and non-destructive testing procedures are used. Prerequisites: ENR 2550. J spring Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Strength of Materials Lab — 3118
ENR 2580
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will be able to explain the concepts of stress and strain and the relationships between them in the solution of problems such as beams, columns, torsional members, connections and combined loading (Mohrs circle). Stress concentrations, thin-walled pressure vessels, and beam deflections are covered. Laboratory experiences include standard tests to determine properties of various materials when subjected to normal stress, bending, shear impact, and torsion loading. Hardness tests and non-destructive testing procedures are used. Prerequisites: ENR 2550. J spring Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 23 – May 16
8:00 am – 10:30 am
Entrepreneurship Internship — 3109
ENT 1480
1 to 3
Sarah Bray
Students will receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business. Students work in conjunction with a faculty member and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: minimum 6 credits of BUS/ENT. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Launching Ventures — 3108
ENT 1490
Sarah Bray
Students will explore valuable processes and resources that will prepare them to start their own business now or in the future. Students will develop customer understanding as well as identify, evaluate, and recommend solutions that meet customer needs. Students will establish and validate a business model, then explore important aspects of new venture creation such as intellectual property, legal forms of ownership, sources of funding, market research, and resources that support new businesses in their region. No requisites. Online, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Introductory French I — 3466
FRE 1510
Karen L. Olson
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in French at the novice-mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon personal and public identity, family and community, and contemporary life in the U.S. and the French-speaking community. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $50
Jan 21 – May 16
Introductory French II — 3467
FRE 1520
Karen L. Olson
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in French at the novice-high level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon education, travel, leisure, family and community celebrations in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Prerequisite: FRE 1510 or two years high school French. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $50
Jan 21 – May 16
World Regional Geography — 3553
GEO 1520
Cynthia L. Gedz
Students will study and evaluate interrelationships of location, climate, landforms, and natural resources with the cultural, economic, and political systems of the world's political and cultural regions. Other topics include population trends, impact of technology and culture upon the natural environment, and patterns of economic development as they relate to regions of the world: Europe, Russia, Middle East, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Physical Geology — 3094
GLG 1510
Glenn Wahl
In this classical introduction to geology, students will identify and explain the geologic processes operating on and beneath Earth's surface, including mineral and rock formation, plate tectonics, deformation, orogeny, weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition. Landforms resulting from geologic processes will be interpreted. Laboratory projects and field trips correlate with lecture topics. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; [Corequisite: MAT 0550 OR Eligibility: college level math]. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Physical Geology Lab — 3095
GLG 1510
Glenn Wahl
In this classical introduction to geology, students will identify and explain the geologic processes operating on and beneath Earth's surface, including mineral and rock formation, plate tectonics, deformation, orogeny, weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition. Landforms resulting from geologic processes will be interpreted. Laboratory projects and field trips correlate with lecture topics. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; [Corequisite: MAT 0550 OR Eligibility: college level math]. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Science Center 125
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Introduction to Global Studies — 3529
GLS 1500
Dion Daly
Using a historical perspective of systemic forces, students will learn about major challenges facing our world today and will develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of people, places, institutions, and circumstances around the world. Students will bring together different insights regarding population trends, resource management, climate change, technological advancements, global conflict, and the role of governance and economics in supporting equitable societies, while emphasizing the role of the individual and their relationship to the larger global economy. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Healthcare Studies — 3645
HCR 1200
Rose M. Dunn
Students will explore career pathways in clinical healthcare. To achieve this goal, students will examine the main aspects of a career in clinical healthcare including underlying science principles, basics of clinical practice, and clinical healthcare profession options. Additionally, students will participate in career enrichment experiences, develop soft skills, and learn how to identify and address barriers to college completion. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Introduction to Disease — 3649
HCR 1210
Jack D. O'Brien
Students will acquire fundamental knowledge about the characteristics of common diseases, including their prevention and treatments, which can be applied in an entry-level healthcare position. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Adult & Child CPR/AED — 3647
HCR 1300
Kathleen M. Whitmore
Students will be prepared to recognize emergency situations and how to follow emergency actions steps. Additionally, students will be prepared to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for adults, children, and infants. Students will learn the skills and knowledge needed to provide care for victims of sudden cardiac arrest through the safe use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Upon successful completion of course and final exam, students will have the option to become American Red Cross certified in adult, child, and infant CPR and AED. No requisites.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 117
Apr 19 – Apr 19
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
First Aid & Mental Health — 3648
HCR 1310
Kathleen M. Whitmore
Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize and apply life-saving skills for the most common first aid problems. In addition, students will demonstrate the ability to handle mental health stigmas, recognize the most common mental health problems, and apply skills to help those experiencing a mental health crisis. All knowledge and skills will be acquired at the most basic and foundational level. The course will be taught by an instructor certified to deliver the American Red Cross First Aid and Mental Health First Aid curricula. Students will have the option to take the American Red Cross First Aid certifying exam and pay the fee to obtain the American Red Cross First Aid Certificate. This course is designed for either science or non-science majors. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 117
Apr 26 – Apr 26
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Emergency Medical Technology — 3643
HCR 1450
Robert H. Smith
Students will learn foundational knowledge needed to perform emergency medical services. Students will learn to provide pre-hospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumatic injuries. Acquisition of foundational knowledge and clinical skills training will prepare students to take the New York State Health Department's certifying exam for Emergency Medical Technicians. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports, or corequisite ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Thu
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Emergency Medical Technology — 3644
HCR 1450
Robert H. Smith
Students will learn foundational knowledge needed to perform emergency medical services. Students will learn to provide pre-hospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumatic injuries. Acquisition of foundational knowledge and clinical skills training will prepare students to take the New York State Health Department's certifying exam for Emergency Medical Technicians. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports, or corequisite ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $950
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Thu
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Kinesiology — 3646
HCR 2100
Jack D. O'Brien
Students will understand human movement and the physical and physiological principles upon which it depends. Analyses of motion and biomechanics based on anatomical, mechanical and physiological principles will be explored. Additionally this course will introduce various conditions and how they impact biomechanics. Students will explore various scientific fields that are the foundation of kinesiology and investigate careers related to the field of kinesiology. Prerequisite: BIO 1500 or BIO 2510. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
World History Before 1500 — 3534
HIS 1510
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students will examine the foundations of major cultures of today's world from the beginning of recorded history to the early modern age, with an emphasis on how these developments continue to shape the human experience. They will utilize methods of the social sciences by researching, interpreting, and communicating an understanding of primary and secondary historical sources. The factual and interpretive content of this course will emphasize the comparisons of key historical developments, their chronology, interaction, and the diffusions of the world's major cultures amid increasing global interconnection. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1510 before HIS 1520. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 11:50 am
World History Before 1500 — 3535
HIS 1510
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students will examine the foundations of major cultures of today's world from the beginning of recorded history to the early modern age, with an emphasis on how these developments continue to shape the human experience. They will utilize methods of the social sciences by researching, interpreting, and communicating an understanding of primary and secondary historical sources. The factual and interpretive content of this course will emphasize the comparisons of key historical developments, their chronology, interaction, and the diffusions of the world's major cultures amid increasing global interconnection. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1510 before HIS 1520. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 11:50 am
World History since 1500 — 3547
HIS 1520
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students in this introductory historical survey course will study and evaluate the cultural changes and continuities of selected world societies during the Modern Era, from the sixteenth century CE, to the present from a western perspective. They will use social sciences methods to research, interpret, and communicate historical understanding through the use of primary and secondary sources. The shaping of the modern age and its legacy for the world today will be stressed, as will the implications for the future of the global community. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1510 before HIS 1520. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 271
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:20 am
World History since 1500 — 3551
HIS 1520
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students in this introductory historical survey course will study and evaluate the cultural changes and continuities of selected world societies during the Modern Era, from the sixteenth century CE, to the present from a western perspective. They will use social sciences methods to research, interpret, and communicate historical understanding through the use of primary and secondary sources. The shaping of the modern age and its legacy for the world today will be stressed, as will the implications for the future of the global community. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1510 before HIS 1520. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
US History before 1865 — 3548
HIS 1530
Donald F. De Angelo
Students will be introduced to the history of the United States from the European Encounter through the Civil War. Using the methodology of the social sciences, students will learn and evaluate the major political, social, cultural, scientific-technological, economic, and natural developments that shaped the United States during its formative years; when the American republic was founded, expanded, and tested by division. Students will give special attention to the unique contributions made by diverse peoples and institutions, and the responsibilities of educated citizens today. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1530 before HIS 1540. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 254
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
US History Since 1865 — 3536
HIS 1540
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students will examine the history of the United States from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present. Using the methodology of the social sciences, students will learn and evaluate the major political, social, cultural, scientific-technological, economic, and natural developments that have shaped the recent American experience. Students will give special attention to the unique contributions made by diverse peoples and institutions, and will better understand the responsibilities of educated citizens today. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1530 before HIS 1540. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 21 – May 16
8:00 am – 9:15 am
US History Since 1865 — 3537
HIS 1540
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students will examine the history of the United States from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present. Using the methodology of the social sciences, students will learn and evaluate the major political, social, cultural, scientific-technological, economic, and natural developments that have shaped the recent American experience. Students will give special attention to the unique contributions made by diverse peoples and institutions, and will better understand the responsibilities of educated citizens today. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1530 before HIS 1540. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
8:00 am – 9:15 am
US History Since 1865 — 3552
HIS 1540
Jonathan D. O'Brian
Students will examine the history of the United States from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present. Using the methodology of the social sciences, students will learn and evaluate the major political, social, cultural, scientific-technological, economic, and natural developments that have shaped the recent American experience. Students will give special attention to the unique contributions made by diverse peoples and institutions, and will better understand the responsibilities of educated citizens today. Corequisite/Prerequisite: ENG 1510. It is not necessary to take HIS 1530 before HIS 1540. HIS courses are reading and writing intensive. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Women in U.S. History — 3550
HIS 2610
Traci I. Langworthy
This course will explore the diversity of women?s experiences within the larger context of United States history from the colonial era to the present. Students will learn about the changing status of women over time, in addition to examining the role of women and gender in the political, economic, social, and cultural life of the nation. Special emphasis will be given to the myriad of factors that shape American women?s identities, including race, ethnicity, class, religion, and cultural heritage. Prerequisite ENG 1510. Eligibility: MAT 1710. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 271
Jan 21 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Medical Terminology — 3096
HIT 1410
Krysta M. Rives
Focuses on medical terminology as it occurs in the anatomical systems of the human body. Students will learn the basic principles of medical word building, pronunciation, and use of medical terms. Students will also learn about all human anatomical systems, the study of common diseases, procedures, and abnormalities. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 208
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Medical Terminology — 3097
HIT 1410
Krysta M. Rives
Focuses on medical terminology as it occurs in the anatomical systems of the human body. Students will learn the basic principles of medical word building, pronunciation, and use of medical terms. Students will also learn about all human anatomical systems, the study of common diseases, procedures, and abnormalities. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Medical Terminology — 3098
HIT 1410
Krysta M. Rives
Focuses on medical terminology as it occurs in the anatomical systems of the human body. Students will learn the basic principles of medical word building, pronunciation, and use of medical terms. Students will also learn about all human anatomical systems, the study of common diseases, procedures, and abnormalities. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Medical Terminology — 3099
HIT 1410
Angela R. Honeck
Focuses on medical terminology as it occurs in the anatomical systems of the human body. Students will learn the basic principles of medical word building, pronunciation, and use of medical terms. Students will also learn about all human anatomical systems, the study of common diseases, procedures, and abnormalities. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Medical Terminology — 3729
HIT 1410
Krysta M. Rives
Focuses on medical terminology as it occurs in the anatomical systems of the human body. Students will learn the basic principles of medical word building, pronunciation, and use of medical terms. Students will also learn about all human anatomical systems, the study of common diseases, procedures, and abnormalities. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Health Data Procedures — 3103
HIT 1420
Krysta M. Rives
Students will learn procedures to become effective in the administrative duties necessary in today's state-of-the-art medical office. Students will examine medical records management, filing procedures, medicolegal communications, appointment scheduling, telephone procedures, insurance form completion, medical coding, medical transcription, and financial recordkeeping. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Electronic Health Record Mgm — 3104
HIT 1460
Krysta M. Rives
Students will be introduced to the health information technology utilized in electronic health record (HER) systems and fiscal management. Students will obtain hands-on experience through integrated practice management of software to obtain a comprehensive picture with an emphasis on quality assurance, legal, and ethical practices of documenting the clinical and administrative tasks that take place for a total patient encounter. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring, Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Medical Coding II(ICD-10-CM) — 3105
HIT 2450
Linda R. Howard
Students are introduced to ICD-9/10-CM coding classification systems. Students will learn how diagnostic coding procedures relate to medical reimbursement and office operations. Prerequisites: HIT 1410 and HIT 1420. C spring; J spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Health Insurance&Reimbursement — 3106
HIT 2460
Linda R. Howard
Students will gain an understanding of clinical classification systems, reimbursement methodologies, and financial management as it relates to health information management procedures. The course includes completion of CMS-1450 and CMS-1500 billing claims for inpatient, outpatient, emergency department, and physical encounters as well as review of inpatient cases to identify issues of fraud and abuse. Corequisite: HIT 2440 or HIT 2450. J fall, spring, C fall, spring, Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Growth & Goal Setting — 3669
HUM 1320
Dianna M. Shaw
Students will learn the positive impact of a growth mindset on their decision making and practice basic life problem solving skills. Students will learn how their values and expectations impact their motivation for success in academic, career and life goals. Students will gain the skills to effectively set realistic, measurable goals and make a plan to achieve them. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Apr 3 – May 16
Life/Career Planning — 3670
HUM 1550
Tracey B. Spinuzza
Students will increase their understanding of their abilities, strengths, values, needs, interests, and personality as related to planning life and career goals. They will be able to locate and use various sources of occupational, career planning, and educational planning information. Students will identify career goals and objectives as well as action steps to be achieved in reaching their objectives and goals. They will become aware of the importance of a self-empowered attitude in achieving life and career goals. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Life/Career Planning — 3672
HUM 1550
Kristin M. Olson
Students will increase their understanding of their abilities, strengths, values, needs, interests, and personality as related to planning life and career goals. They will be able to locate and use various sources of occupational, career planning, and educational planning information. Students will identify career goals and objectives as well as action steps to be achieved in reaching their objectives and goals. They will become aware of the importance of a self-empowered attitude in achieving life and career goals. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Intro to Human Services — 3337
HUS 1210
Leanna C. Luka-Conley
Students will examine the philosophy and goals of human services: social welfare, social work, and early childhood education, and be introduced to the historical, political, and social perspectives of human services. Programs designed to meet common human needs and alleviate social problems are identified and differences among programs including those of other countries are discussed. Methods and theories of intervention are studied with an emphasis on diversity of target populations. Through case studies, guest speakers, and agency visits, students are introduced to the human service career and generalist practice. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Human Services — 3338
HUS 1210
Leanna C. Luka-Conley
Students will examine the philosophy and goals of human services: social welfare, social work, and early childhood education, and be introduced to the historical, political, and social perspectives of human services. Programs designed to meet common human needs and alleviate social problems are identified and differences among programs including those of other countries are discussed. Methods and theories of intervention are studied with an emphasis on diversity of target populations. Through case studies, guest speakers, and agency visits, students are introduced to the human service career and generalist practice. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 226
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Human Services — 3346
HUS 1210
Leanna C. Luka-Conley
Students will examine the philosophy and goals of human services: social welfare, social work, and early childhood education, and be introduced to the historical, political, and social perspectives of human services. Programs designed to meet common human needs and alleviate social problems are identified and differences among programs including those of other countries are discussed. Methods and theories of intervention are studied with an emphasis on diversity of target populations. Through case studies, guest speakers, and agency visits, students are introduced to the human service career and generalist practice. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Human Services — 3348
HUS 1210
Laura E. Turnbull
Students will examine the philosophy and goals of human services: social welfare, social work, and early childhood education, and be introduced to the historical, political, and social perspectives of human services. Programs designed to meet common human needs and alleviate social problems are identified and differences among programs including those of other countries are discussed. Methods and theories of intervention are studied with an emphasis on diversity of target populations. Through case studies, guest speakers, and agency visits, students are introduced to the human service career and generalist practice. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Family Systems — 3339
HUS 1280
Linda L. Dejoseph
Students will examine the systems theory approach to family organization and functioning, integrating the theory and beginning clinical interventions used in working with families. Topics include the family life cycle, family structure, assessment techniques, family crises, and parent-child interaction. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Crisis Intervention — 3347
HUS 1350
Jennifer L. Howe
Students will learn evidence-based prevention, assessment, intervention and resolution strategies to respond to an individual in a crisis situation, including but not limited to suicide, intoxication, aggression, delusion or psychosis. Students will learn techniques to increase the resilience of their clients to prevent crisis situations, recognize triggers, and increase environmental and individual supports. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. Campus: J fall, spring; C fall, spring Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Generalist Practice Skills — 3323
HUS 1410
Frank J. Corapi
Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills, techniques, and strategies used in the helping professions. Students will develop and practice each step in the case management process from engagement to termination. Utilizing a systems framework, students will learn to interview and assess client needs, identify community resources, and apply problem solving strategies and evidence-based interventions. Students will further explore the legal and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner, and demonstrate documentation skills involved in service planning. Students will learn to present in a case conference and explore methods for evaluating client success and helper effectiveness. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 (not required if pursuing the Certificate in Addictions Counseling). J spring, occasionally fall; C spring, occasionally fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Generalist Practice Skills — 3325
HUS 1410
Frank J. Corapi
Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills, techniques, and strategies used in the helping professions. Students will develop and practice each step in the case management process from engagement to termination. Utilizing a systems framework, students will learn to interview and assess client needs, identify community resources, and apply problem solving strategies and evidence-based interventions. Students will further explore the legal and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner, and demonstrate documentation skills involved in service planning. Students will learn to present in a case conference and explore methods for evaluating client success and helper effectiveness. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 (not required if pursuing the Certificate in Addictions Counseling). J spring, occasionally fall; C spring, occasionally fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Generalist Practice Skills — 3326
HUS 1410
Frank J. Corapi
Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills, techniques, and strategies used in the helping professions. Students will develop and practice each step in the case management process from engagement to termination. Utilizing a systems framework, students will learn to interview and assess client needs, identify community resources, and apply problem solving strategies and evidence-based interventions. Students will further explore the legal and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner, and demonstrate documentation skills involved in service planning. Students will learn to present in a case conference and explore methods for evaluating client success and helper effectiveness. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 (not required if pursuing the Certificate in Addictions Counseling). J spring, occasionally fall; C spring, occasionally fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Generalist Practice Skills — 3349
HUS 1410
Linda L. Dejoseph
Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills, techniques, and strategies used in the helping professions. Students will develop and practice each step in the case management process from engagement to termination. Utilizing a systems framework, students will learn to interview and assess client needs, identify community resources, and apply problem solving strategies and evidence-based interventions. Students will further explore the legal and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner, and demonstrate documentation skills involved in service planning. Students will learn to present in a case conference and explore methods for evaluating client success and helper effectiveness. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 (not required if pursuing the Certificate in Addictions Counseling). J spring, occasionally fall; C spring, occasionally fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement I-Social Work — 3327
HUS 2210
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a human service agency. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, and communication skills. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. The student, faculty coordinator, and agency supervisor work together to develop an appropriate learning experience for the student. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 with a C or better, a minimum of 3 credits of human services electives with a C or better, HUS 1410, and permission of the human services faculty; Application required; must be a program major. Social science majors transferring to a four-year social work of human services program may also apply. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 209
Jan 21 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
Field Placement I-Social Work — 3328
HUS 2210
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a human service agency. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, and communication skills. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. The student, faculty coordinator, and agency supervisor work together to develop an appropriate learning experience for the student. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 with a C or better, a minimum of 3 credits of human services electives with a C or better, HUS 1410, and permission of the human services faculty; Application required; must be a program major. Social science majors transferring to a four-year social work of human services program may also apply. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement I-Social Work — 3332
HUS 2210
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a human service agency. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, and communication skills. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. The student, faculty coordinator, and agency supervisor work together to develop an appropriate learning experience for the student. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 with a C or better, a minimum of 3 credits of human services electives with a C or better, HUS 1410, and permission of the human services faculty; Application required; must be a program major. Social science majors transferring to a four-year social work of human services program may also apply. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 23 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
Field Placement I-Social Work — 3333
HUS 2210
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a human service agency. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, and communication skills. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. The student, faculty coordinator, and agency supervisor work together to develop an appropriate learning experience for the student. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 with a C or better, a minimum of 3 credits of human services electives with a C or better, HUS 1410, and permission of the human services faculty; Application required; must be a program major. Social science majors transferring to a four-year social work of human services program may also apply. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement: Addictions I — 3330
HUS 2215
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in an OASAS approved addiction setting under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner (QHP). All students will fulfill a learning contract which includes practical training in the following areas: Screening, intake, orientation, assessment, evaluation and intervention, referral, treatment planning, counseling, crisis intervention, patient education, case management, reporting and record keeping, and consultation with other professionals. Students will participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, communication skills, and integration of theory with practice. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 (with a C or better), HUS 1410, and a minimum of three additional credits of Addictions core coursework or demonstrated employment. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 209
Jan 21 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
Field Placement: Addictions I — 3331
HUS 2215
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in an OASAS approved addiction setting under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner (QHP). All students will fulfill a learning contract which includes practical training in the following areas: Screening, intake, orientation, assessment, evaluation and intervention, referral, treatment planning, counseling, crisis intervention, patient education, case management, reporting and record keeping, and consultation with other professionals. Students will participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, communication skills, and integration of theory with practice. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 (with a C or better), HUS 1410, and a minimum of three additional credits of Addictions core coursework or demonstrated employment. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement: Addictions I — 3334
HUS 2215
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in an OASAS approved addiction setting under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner (QHP). All students will fulfill a learning contract which includes practical training in the following areas: Screening, intake, orientation, assessment, evaluation and intervention, referral, treatment planning, counseling, crisis intervention, patient education, case management, reporting and record keeping, and consultation with other professionals. Students will participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, communication skills, and integration of theory with practice. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 (with a C or better), HUS 1410, and a minimum of three additional credits of Addictions core coursework or demonstrated employment. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 23 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
Field Placement: Addictions I — 3335
HUS 2215
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in an OASAS approved addiction setting under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner (QHP). All students will fulfill a learning contract which includes practical training in the following areas: Screening, intake, orientation, assessment, evaluation and intervention, referral, treatment planning, counseling, crisis intervention, patient education, case management, reporting and record keeping, and consultation with other professionals. Students will participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on developing knowledge of agency networking, teamwork, applied ethics, communication skills, and integration of theory with practice. The seminar also focuses on students' experiences, problems, and special interests. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 (with a C or better), HUS 1410, and a minimum of three additional credits of Addictions core coursework or demonstrated employment. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement II — 3336
HUS 2220
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a different agency or using a higher skill set than used in HUS 2210. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on learning to develop a helping relationship. Students will learn about the characteristics of the helper and client, and techniques of helping that are appropriate to their agency situations. Opportunities for analysis of personal characteristics and development of skills in the helping relationship will be provided during both practicum and seminar. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisites: HUS 22l0 with a C or better and permission of the human services faculty. Application required; must be a program major. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Field Placement II — 3662
HUS 2220
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 135 hours of supervised work in a different agency or using a higher skill set than used in HUS 2210. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar which focuses on learning to develop a helping relationship. Students will learn about the characteristics of the helper and client, and techniques of helping that are appropriate to their agency situations. Opportunities for analysis of personal characteristics and development of skills in the helping relationship will be provided during both practicum and seminar. Students are responsible for assigned readings and a weekly written log of the field experience in addition to other assignments. Prerequisites: HUS 22l0 with a C or better and permission of the human services faculty. Application required; must be a program major. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Interviewing and Counseling — 3329
HUS 2230
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will develop entry level interviewing skills appropriate for work in human services agencies. Counseling theory and techniques of interviewing are emphasized. Students will learn about the therapeutic relationship, non-verbal and verbal communication, multicultural interviewing, and crisis intervention. A variety of clinical techniques are discussed through role playing and case discussions. Prerequisite: PSY 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 209
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Interviewing and Counseling — 3340
HUS 2230
Tammy S. Smith
Students will develop entry level interviewing skills appropriate for work in human services agencies. Counseling theory and techniques of interviewing are emphasized. Students will learn about the therapeutic relationship, non-verbal and verbal communication, multicultural interviewing, and crisis intervention. A variety of clinical techniques are discussed through role playing and case discussions. Prerequisite: PSY 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 203
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Interviewing and Counseling — 3350
HUS 2230
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will develop entry level interviewing skills appropriate for work in human services agencies. Counseling theory and techniques of interviewing are emphasized. Students will learn about the therapeutic relationship, non-verbal and verbal communication, multicultural interviewing, and crisis intervention. A variety of clinical techniques are discussed through role playing and case discussions. Prerequisite: PSY 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Policy And Organization — 3345
HUS 2250
Laura E. Turnbull
Expanding on concepts introduced in HUS 1210, the student will demonstrate knowledge of the development and analysis of social policy. Current issues and problems in the organization and delivery of social services to diverse populations are examined with linkage to the historical perspectives. Comparisons with European social welfare programs will be made. The relationship of social and professional values to policy formulation and analysis is stressed. As part of student research teams, students will produce a written policy analysis of a major social welfare/education policy. An Internet research refresher session is included. Prerequisite: ENG 1530, HUS 1210; Sophomore standing. Recommended to be taken with or following an internship. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Ethics/Issues-Addiction Servic — 3341
HUS 2400
Jennifer L. Howe
Students will develop a personal and professional framework for ethical action and become more effective in addressing ethical issues in the field of addictions counseling. This course addresses ethics for counselors in the field of chemical dependency and other addictions by presenting an overview of ethical thought and the basics of ethical decision making. The major focus will be professional ethics as they relate to addictions counseling, and on the CASAC canon of ethics. This course is intended to deepen the student's awareness of new and emerging ethical issues and provide the tools necessary for the entry-level professional. Prerequisite: HUS 1310. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Alcohol/Chem Depend:Treatment — 3342
HUS 2430
Francis G. Lachappelle
Builds on previous alcoholism and substance abuse courses to provide an overview of methods used in the field of chemical dependency. Specific focus is on the primary skills required of counselors: group and individual counseling, treatment planning, diagnostic assessment, psycho-social assessment, and case management. The course assumes a working knowledge of alcoholism and other addictions and a prior course in interviewing is suggested. The New York State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse has reviewed this course and found it consistent with approved standards for 45 hours of education/training for the CASAC. Provider number ED0056AL OASAS. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 or extensive employment in a chemical dependency agency. Prior interviewing course suggested. B.S. and M.S. level individuals are permitted to enroll if they have prior counseling education. HUS 1280 and HUS 2230 recommended. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 208
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Alcohol/Chem Depend:Treatment — 3343
HUS 2430
Francis G. Lachappelle
Builds on previous alcoholism and substance abuse courses to provide an overview of methods used in the field of chemical dependency. Specific focus is on the primary skills required of counselors: group and individual counseling, treatment planning, diagnostic assessment, psycho-social assessment, and case management. The course assumes a working knowledge of alcoholism and other addictions and a prior course in interviewing is suggested. The New York State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse has reviewed this course and found it consistent with approved standards for 45 hours of education/training for the CASAC. Provider number ED0056AL OASAS. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 or extensive employment in a chemical dependency agency. Prior interviewing course suggested. B.S. and M.S. level individuals are permitted to enroll if they have prior counseling education. HUS 1280 and HUS 2230 recommended. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Alcohol/Chem Depend:Treatment — 3344
HUS 2430
Francis G. Lachappelle
Builds on previous alcoholism and substance abuse courses to provide an overview of methods used in the field of chemical dependency. Specific focus is on the primary skills required of counselors: group and individual counseling, treatment planning, diagnostic assessment, psycho-social assessment, and case management. The course assumes a working knowledge of alcoholism and other addictions and a prior course in interviewing is suggested. The New York State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse has reviewed this course and found it consistent with approved standards for 45 hours of education/training for the CASAC. Provider number ED0056AL OASAS. Prerequisite: HUS 1310 or extensive employment in a chemical dependency agency. Prior interviewing course suggested. B.S. and M.S. level individuals are permitted to enroll if they have prior counseling education. HUS 1280 and HUS 2230 recommended. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Inquire: But First, Coffee! — 3624
INT 1555
Michelle L. Richau
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 224
Jan 22 – Apr 2
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Inquire:Music:Love,Death,Spiri — 3625
INT 1555
Neil Flory
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 22 – Apr 2
Mon, Wed, Fri
11:00 am – 11:50 am
Inquire:Music:Love,Death,Spiri — 3626
INT 1555
Neil Flory
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – Apr 2
Mon, Wed, Fri
11:00 am – 11:50 am
Inquire:Gamers Guide to Galaxy — 3627
INT 1555
Johnny A. Stein
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 225
Jan 21 – Apr 1
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Inquire: Urban Legends — 3628
INT 1555
Christopher Munde
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 23 – Apr 1
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Inquire:What Makes us Human? — 3629
INT 1555
Jennifer L. Coe
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – Apr 1
7:30 pm – 8:45 pm
Inquire: Outbreak — 3630
INT 1555
Shannon E. Bessette
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 27 – Apr 9
Inquire: Let's Play Fair — 3631
INT 1555
Aimee M. Brunelle
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – Apr 2
Inquire:What Would Florence Ni — 3632
INT 1555
Heather L. Burrell
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – Apr 2
Inquire:Wellness and Happiness — 3633
INT 1555
Carla K. Cummings
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – Apr 2
Inquire: Silent Women — 3634
INT 1555
Dale G. Yerpe
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 225
Jan 22 – Apr 2
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Inquire:Artificial Intelligenc — 3635
INT 1555
Christopher P. Reisch
This course engages first-year students in hands-on academic exploration while preparing them to navigate the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Students will develop the intellectual skills needed for college-level inquiry by actively exploring the various sides of a single, challenging question or issue. While the specific topic of inquiry varies from section to section, all instructors employ a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning that helps students make connections across fields of study. Students will engage their critical thinking skills as they generate questions, organize information, evaluate evidence, and weigh alternative perspectives. In the process, they will become acclimated to the culture of higher education at JCC. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Students will examine the issue of global sustainability from diverse perspectives, including but not limited to historical, ethical, scientific, and economical. Students will gain an understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals launched by the United Nations, societies attempting to promote sustainable efforts, and actions that contradict said efforts. This honors-level course concludes with an analysis of current sustainable efforts in a chosen community, with students working in interdisciplinary teams to research and improve upon one shortcoming in their location. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510, Eligibility: College-level math. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
HONORS Project I — 3636
INT 2015
Angela M. Raynor
Honors students are required to successfully complete two one-credit, project-based honors courses which are related to courses in which they are currently enrolled or have recently completed. Each project must include some form of applied learning: field-work, internship, service learning, innovative/creative project, and/or undergraduate research. After registering, the students will be guided by the honors program coordinator and their advisors to identify a course to which to link the project and a faculty instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 132
Jan 23 – Feb 6
12:31 pm – 1:00 pm
HONORS Project II — 3637
INT 2515
Angela M. Raynor
Honors students are required to successfully complete two one-credit, project-based honors courses which are related to courses in which they are currently enrolled or have recently completed. Each project must include some form of applied learning: field-work, internship, service learning, innovative/creative project, and/or undergraduate research. After registering, the students will be guided by the honors program coordinator and their advisors to identify a course to which to link the project and a faculty instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 132
Jan 23 – Mar 6
12:31 pm – 1:00 pm
Science Connections — 3081
INT 2800
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout
A science outreach opportunity for science majors, students in this course design and present hands-on science investigations for elementary students in physical science, biology, chemistry, and earth science/geology. Prerequisite: science major with sophomore standing and permission of instructor; must meet minimum college level reading score: Accuplacer 80+. Institutional Course Syllabus
Students will develop an understanding of leadership theory, an awareness of the moral and ethical responsibilities of leadership, and an awareness of one's own leadership style and abilities. Students will be given an opportunity to develop essential leadership skills and to understand and practice productive leadership behavior. The course will use experiential methods of discussion, film, simulation, and a variety of readings, including some from the humanities. Particularly appropriate for those currently in leadership positions or those wishing to gain skills for leadership roles. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Math for Elementary Teachers I — 3233
MAE 2510
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will develop the skills necessary to effectively teach mathematics at the elementary school level. Topics of study will include problem solving, operations in the base-ten whole number system (as well as other bases), operations with fractions, operations with integers, operations with decimals and percents, relations and functions, estimation, number theory, and ratios and proportions. While there will be review of the basic mathematics used at the elementary school level, the emphasis of this course will be for students to understand why those mathematical procedures work and how to construct appropriate lessons and activities to illustrate the ideas to elementary students using a variety of concrete methods. Prerequisites: Fulfillment of the math requirement in the student's degree program. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Essential Mathematics — 3192
MAT 0530
Daniel P. Groh
Students will engage in the study of mathematics for everyday life. This course integrates fluency with numbers, proportional reasoning, percentages, basic algebra, and communicating quantitative information. Applications are emphasized throughout to help students improve their basic quantitative reasoning skills. Students will also learn the value of productive persistence in the learning process. This course prepares students to take MAT 1500 - Problem Solving with Mathematics. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 223
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
9:20 am – 10:45 am
Essential Mathematics — 3193
MAT 0530
Sandra L. Struble
Students will engage in the study of mathematics for everyday life. This course integrates fluency with numbers, proportional reasoning, percentages, basic algebra, and communicating quantitative information. Applications are emphasized throughout to help students improve their basic quantitative reasoning skills. Students will also learn the value of productive persistence in the learning process. This course prepares students to take MAT 1500 - Problem Solving with Mathematics. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 21 – May 16
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:35 pm
Essential Mathematics — 3194
MAT 0530
Sandra L. Struble
Students will engage in the study of mathematics for everyday life. This course integrates fluency with numbers, proportional reasoning, percentages, basic algebra, and communicating quantitative information. Applications are emphasized throughout to help students improve their basic quantitative reasoning skills. Students will also learn the value of productive persistence in the learning process. This course prepares students to take MAT 1500 - Problem Solving with Mathematics. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:35 pm
Algebra Fundamentals — 3195
MAT 0550
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 223
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
Algebra Fundamentals — 3196
MAT 0550
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
Algebra Fundamentals — 3197
MAT 0550
Amanda M. Bartels
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 210
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:00 am – 10:40 am
Algebra Fundamentals — 3198
MAT 0550
Mary Jo Giuffre
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 132
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:00 am – 10:40 am
Algebra Fundamentals — 3199
MAT 0550
Joseph R. Jagoda
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 220
Jan 21 – May 16
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:20 pm
Algebra Fundamentals — 3200
MAT 0550
Stephanie M. Zwyghuizen
Students will learn basic algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and other disciplines that involve quantitative problems. Topics include a review of arithmetic and Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, the Cartesian coordinate system, unit analysis, properties of exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring techniques, the quadratic formula, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. This course carries Imputed Credits. No requisites. J fall, spring, C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3202
MAT 1500
Mary M. Fofanah
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3203
MAT 1500
Mary M. Fofanah
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3204
MAT 1500
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 223
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3205
MAT 1500
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3206
MAT 1500
Heather A. Metzger
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 119
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3207
MAT 1500
Sandra L. Struble
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 119
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3208
MAT 1500
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3622
MAT 1500
Sandra L. Struble
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 119
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Problem Solving w/Mathematics — 3952
MAT 1500
Christopher P. Reisch
Students will develop problem solving skills through a detailed study of topics such as financial mathematics, linear and exponential modeling, and geometry, in concert with specific problem solving strategies such as drawing diagrams, making systematic lists, looking for patterns, identifying sub-problems, and working backwards. Solution presentations and communication are emphasized. Prerequisite: any developmental MAT course or eligibility for any college-level MAT course. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Elementary Statistics — 3209
MAT 1540
Amanda M. Bartels
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 210
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Elementary Statistics — 3211
MAT 1540
Ashley R. Hnatyszyn
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 124
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Elementary Statistics — 3213
MAT 1540
Ashley R. Hnatyszyn
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 119
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Elementary Statistics — 3214
MAT 1540
Heather A. Metzger
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 212
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Elementary Statistics — 3216
MAT 1540
Angela M. Raynor
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 121
Feb 27 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:00 pm – 2:55 pm
Elementary Statistics — 3217
MAT 1540
Angela M. Raynor
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:00 pm – 2:55 pm
Elementary Statistics — 3219
MAT 1540
Barbara J. Russell
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Elementary Statistics — 3954
MAT 1540
Ashley R. Hnatyszyn
Students will investigate various topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and spread, graphical analysis of data, probability, random sampling, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Practical applications are emphasized throughout the course. A significant part of the course is taught in a laboratory setting using a software package such as Minitab. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 (or higher) or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
College Algebra / Trigonometry — 3220
MAT 1590
Tiffany L. Barton
Students will learn algebra and trigonometry topics necessary to prepare them for the study of precalculus. Topics include one-to-one functions and their inverses and graphs, polynomial and rational functions and their applications, radicals and exponents, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions, including graphs and basic identities. Problem-solving and applications are emphasized. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:20 pm – 6:00 pm
College Algebra / Trigonometry — 3221
MAT 1590
Tiffany L. Barton
Students will learn algebra and trigonometry topics necessary to prepare them for the study of precalculus. Topics include one-to-one functions and their inverses and graphs, polynomial and rational functions and their applications, radicals and exponents, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions, including graphs and basic identities. Problem-solving and applications are emphasized. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:20 pm – 6:00 pm
College Algebra / Trigonometry — 3222
MAT 1590
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will learn algebra and trigonometry topics necessary to prepare them for the study of precalculus. Topics include one-to-one functions and their inverses and graphs, polynomial and rational functions and their applications, radicals and exponents, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions, including graphs and basic identities. Problem-solving and applications are emphasized. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 121A
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
College Algebra / Trigonometry — 3223
MAT 1590
Kimberly A. Witherow
Students will learn algebra and trigonometry topics necessary to prepare them for the study of precalculus. Topics include one-to-one functions and their inverses and graphs, polynomial and rational functions and their applications, radicals and exponents, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions, including graphs and basic identities. Problem-solving and applications are emphasized. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT 0550 or MAT1210 or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Precalculus — 3224
MAT 1600
Angela M. Raynor
Students will learn topics necessary for studying calculus and discrete mathematics. Algebra topics include rational and polynomial functions. Trigonometry topics include graphs, identities, half and double-angle formulas, and inverse trig functions. Other topics include exponential and logarithmic functions, and an introduction to limits. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT1590 (or higher); or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 132
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:50 am – 12:30 pm
Precalculus — 3225
MAT 1600
Stephanie M. Zwyghuizen
Students will learn topics necessary for studying calculus and discrete mathematics. Algebra topics include rational and polynomial functions. Trigonometry topics include graphs, identities, half and double-angle formulas, and inverse trig functions. Other topics include exponential and logarithmic functions, and an introduction to limits. An approved graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT1590 (or higher); or as determined by college placement. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Discrete Mathematics — 3226
MAT 1670
Amanda M. Bartels
Students will master fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics that are essential for further studies in mathematics and computer science. Topics include symbolic logic and deductive reasoning, methods of proof, set theory, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, number theory, relations, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MAT 1600 or high school precalculus or equivalent. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Discrete Mathematics — 3227
MAT 1670
Amanda M. Bartels
Students will master fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics that are essential for further studies in mathematics and computer science. Topics include symbolic logic and deductive reasoning, methods of proof, set theory, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, number theory, relations, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MAT 1600 or high school precalculus or equivalent. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Discrete Mathematics — 3229
MAT 1670
Amanda M. Bartels
Students will master fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics that are essential for further studies in mathematics and computer science. Topics include symbolic logic and deductive reasoning, methods of proof, set theory, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, number theory, relations, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MAT 1600 or high school precalculus or equivalent. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Calculus/Analytic Geometry I — 3230
MAT 1710
Erin J. Zeiders-Weber
Students will study the fundamental concepts of calculus. Topics include an introduction to analytic geometry, functions, limits and continuity, and derivatives and integrals and their applications. An approved graphing calculator is required. A computer algebra system such as DERIVE is incorporated into the course. Prerequisite: MAT 1600 or high school precalculus or equivalent. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Calculus/Analytic Geometry I — 3951
MAT 1710
Erin J. Zeiders-Weber
Students will study the fundamental concepts of calculus. Topics include an introduction to analytic geometry, functions, limits and continuity, and derivatives and integrals and their applications. An approved graphing calculator is required. A computer algebra system such as DERIVE is incorporated into the course. Prerequisite: MAT 1600 or high school precalculus or equivalent. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Calculus/Analytic Geometry II — 3231
MAT 1720
Stephanie M. Zwyghuizen
Students will further their study of calculus. Topics include applications of the definite integral such as volume, surface area and arc lengths, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, techniques of integration, polar coordinates, parametric equations, improper integrals, and sequences and series including power series and Taylor series. An approved graphing calculator is required. A computer algebra system such as DERIVE is incorporated into the course. Prerequisite: MAT 1710. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 113
Jan 21 – May 16
Mon, Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 5:40 pm
Ordinary Differential Equation — 3232
MAT 2680
Stephanie M. Zwyghuizen
Students will study differential equations of the first and higher order, systems of linear differential equations, and LaPlace transforms. Applications are stressed throughout the course. The course is intended for students majoring in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Prerequisite: MAT 1720, MAT 2650 strongly recommended. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 113
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Applied Pneumatics&Hydraulics — 3172
MCT 1210
John W. Hale
Students will be introduced to the basics of hydraulic and pneumatic machinery. They will study the basic components of these systems, such as pumps, valves, and actuators. This course will include a combination of laboratory activities and computer-based simulations. Students will also discuss safety standards for pneumatic and hydraulic systems. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 21 – May 13
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Engineering Drawing w/AutoCAD — 3173
MCT 1240
Joseph Spess
Students will focus on engineering drawing fundamentals, incorporating both manual and computer-aided drafting. Topics include free-hand sketching, principles of applied geometry, orthographic projections, dimensioning, section views, pictorials, conventional drawing practices, standards, tolerancing, and an introduction to 2-D wire frame software such as AutoCAD. Students will create and modify CAD geometry, text, and dimensions. No requisites. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 24 – May 16
8:00 am – 11:30 am
CNC/Machine Tools — 3174
MCT 1280
Joseph Spess
Students will learn the programming and operation of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools. Manual programming of two and three axis mills and lathes using canned cycles will be covered. Topics discussed will include CNC machine components, absolute and incremental programming, preparatory functions (G-codes), miscellaneous functions (M codes), work piece offsets, tool length offsets, cutter compensation and cutting tools and workholding methods for CNC. Lab projects provide hands-on experience for students on CNC controllers. Prerequisite: MCT 1270. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
CNC/Machine Tools — 3175
MCT 1280
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will learn the programming and operation of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools. Manual programming of two and three axis mills and lathes using canned cycles will be covered. Topics discussed will include CNC machine components, absolute and incremental programming, preparatory functions (G-codes), miscellaneous functions (M codes), work piece offsets, tool length offsets, cutter compensation and cutting tools and workholding methods for CNC. Lab projects provide hands-on experience for students on CNC controllers. Prerequisite: MCT 1270. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Machine Tool Tech. II — 3176
MCT 1300
James A. Heinrich
Students will gain exposure to setting up and running manual machine tools such as lathes, mills, and drill presses. In this course, the students will concentrate on more hands-on applications of set-up and machining of more complex parts using the manual equipment in the MTI lab. Prerequisites: MCT 1240, 1270; Eligibility MAT1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 24 – May 9
8:00 am – 8:50 am
Machine Tool Tech. II Lab — 3177
MCT 1300
James A. Heinrich
Students will gain exposure to setting up and running manual machine tools such as lathes, mills, and drill presses. In this course, the students will concentrate on more hands-on applications of set-up and machining of more complex parts using the manual equipment in the MTI lab. Prerequisites: MCT 1240, 1270; Eligibility MAT1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 24 – May 9
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Machine Tool Tech. II — 3178
MCT 1300
Xavier M. Smith
Students will gain exposure to setting up and running manual machine tools such as lathes, mills, and drill presses. In this course, the students will concentrate on more hands-on applications of set-up and machining of more complex parts using the manual equipment in the MTI lab. Prerequisites: MCT 1240, 1270; Eligibility MAT1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 22 – May 14
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Machine Tool Tech. II Lab — 3179
MCT 1300
Xavier M. Smith
Students will gain exposure to setting up and running manual machine tools such as lathes, mills, and drill presses. In this course, the students will concentrate on more hands-on applications of set-up and machining of more complex parts using the manual equipment in the MTI lab. Prerequisites: MCT 1240, 1270; Eligibility MAT1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 22 – May 14
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Industrial Safety & Quality — 3180
MCT 1310
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will learn the safety habits and quality control practices necessary within typical industrial settings. This course will cover knowledge needed to successfully complete a national certification test on safety and quality offered through the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC). No requisites. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $220
Jan 21 – Mar 14
Production Processes & Mainten — 3181
MCT 1320
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will learn the basics or production processes and the operational maintenance operations within typical industrial settings. This course will cover knowledge needed to successfully complete a national certification test on production and maintenance offered through the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC). No requisites. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $220
Mar 17 – May 14
Manufacturing Drawings & GD&T — 3182
MCT 1340
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will gain further exposure to actual manufacturing drawings and other information provided. The first part of the course will cover the ability to read, interpret, and construct manufacturing drawings. The second part will introduce the students to geometric tolerance and dimensioning. Prerequisite: MCT 1240; Prerequisite / Corequisite: MCT1380; Eligibility: MAT1590. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 21 – May 13
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
Manufacturing Drawings & GD&T — 3183
MCT 1340
Joseph Spess
Students will gain further exposure to actual manufacturing drawings and other information provided. The first part of the course will cover the ability to read, interpret, and construct manufacturing drawings. The second part will introduce the students to geometric tolerance and dimensioning. Prerequisite: MCT 1240; Prerequisite / Corequisite: MCT1380; Eligibility: MAT1590. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
10:15 am – 11:50 am
Introduction to Solid Modeling — 3184
MCT 1380
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will be introduced to 3-D solid modeling software. Much of the course is spent on application of a parametric solid modeler such as Solid Works. Students will learn to create and sketch geometry and parametric solids. Students will also be introduced to detailing and assembly modeling. Emphasis is placed on establishing constraints that correctly convey the design intent. No requisites. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $25
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:30 am – 9:40 am
Manufacturing Technology Inter — 3781
MCT 2010
Timothy R. Griffin
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
Automation & Robotics — 3185
MCT 2220
Kraig R. Miller
Students will learn the various components, devices, and machines used in modern automation systems along with a study of their related electronics. Students learn the techniques of testing and troubleshooting incorporated in the industrial control setting in a team setting. Students will construct and troubleshoot an automated system including programming and sensors. No requisites. J fall; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 22 – May 16
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Mechanics of Materials — 3186
MCT 2230
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will learn stress, strain, and the mechanical properties of materials, tension, compression, torsion, and beams. Topics such as columns, welded and riveted connections, combined stress, stress concentrations, thermal stresses, and pressure vessels are discussed. Prerequisites: MCT 1250, Eligibility MAT1600. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Mechanics of Materials Lab — 3187
MCT 2230
Timothy W. Piazza
Students will learn stress, strain, and the mechanical properties of materials, tension, compression, torsion, and beams. Topics such as columns, welded and riveted connections, combined stress, stress concentrations, thermal stresses, and pressure vessels are discussed. Prerequisites: MCT 1250, Eligibility MAT1600. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 125
Jan 23 – May 16
8:00 am – 10:30 am
Advanced Solid Modeling — 3188
MCT 2380
Timothy R. Griffin
Students will extend their knowledge by using the parametric solid modeler in industrial design application. Skills are developed to support applications in the area of feature patterns, molded and cast parts, sheet metal applications, lofting, and sweeps. Assembly modeling and editing is covered as well as detailing of parts and assemblies. Links to other applications such as publication bill of materials, CAM, analysis package, and other CAD systems are also featured. Prerequisite: MCT 1380. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $25
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 111
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Advanced Solid Modeling — 3741
MCT 2380
Nicholas R. Anson
Students will extend their knowledge by using the parametric solid modeler in industrial design application. Skills are developed to support applications in the area of feature patterns, molded and cast parts, sheet metal applications, lofting, and sweeps. Assembly modeling and editing is covered as well as detailing of parts and assemblies. Links to other applications such as publication bill of materials, CAM, analysis package, and other CAD systems are also featured. Prerequisite: MCT 1380. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $25
Jan 28 – Jun 27
Computer Aided Manufacturing — 3189
MCT 2410
Timothy L. Jones
Computer-Aided Manufacturing Students will gain exposure to the principles and procedures used in PC based CAD/CAM part programming and manufacturing. Course is based on the use of local industry standard CAM software. The PC-based CAM system will be used to produce complex machined parts from detailed solid models on advanced CNC machine tools. Prerequisites: MCT 1380, MCT 2280 and MCT 2300.J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
4:30 pm – 6:15 pm
Manufacturing Process I Lab — 3190
MCT 2420
Joseph Spess
Students will learn traditional manufacturing processes. Topics include processes such as casting, hot and cold working, injection molding, powdered metallurgy and finishing, as well as MTL props and their effect on the manufacturing process, and lean manufacturing. Labs consist of tours of traditional manufacturing plants and a project which requires students to create a small factory that uses new manufacturing techniques. Emphasis of the project is on quality, reduced work in process, and the team approach. Prerequisites: MCT 1380. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 27 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Manufacturing Process I — 3191
MCT 2420
Joseph Spess
Students will learn traditional manufacturing processes. Topics include processes such as casting, hot and cold working, injection molding, powdered metallurgy and finishing, as well as MTL props and their effect on the manufacturing process, and lean manufacturing. Labs consist of tours of traditional manufacturing plants and a project which requires students to create a small factory that uses new manufacturing techniques. Emphasis of the project is on quality, reduced work in process, and the team approach. Prerequisites: MCT 1380. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 132
Jan 21 – May 16
8:00 am – 11:15 am
Intro to Songwriting — 3490
MUS 1400
Neil Flory
Students will receive guided instruction in the application and synthesis of compositional techniques toward the creation of effective original songs in popular styles. Students will write several songs during the term, and through these efforts they will gain a familiarity with the creative process as well as begin to explore their own musical voice. Students will apply techniques of form, melody, harmony, rhythm, and lyric writing learned through the study of well-known songs by major figures in the popular music world. The course will be structured around hands-on creative projects, and will include discussion, lecture, critical music listening and analysis. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Intro to Songwriting — 3491
MUS 1400
Neil Flory
Students will receive guided instruction in the application and synthesis of compositional techniques toward the creation of effective original songs in popular styles. Students will write several songs during the term, and through these efforts they will gain a familiarity with the creative process as well as begin to explore their own musical voice. Students will apply techniques of form, melody, harmony, rhythm, and lyric writing learned through the study of well-known songs by major figures in the popular music world. The course will be structured around hands-on creative projects, and will include discussion, lecture, critical music listening and analysis. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Historical Survey- Rock & Roll — 3468
MUS 1530
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will study the roots and development of Rock/Soul/Pop music from its earliest manifestations to the current state of pop music. Through readings, lectures, listening to musical examples, and video footage, they will experience the birth and development of this genre of musical expression, which has been the dominant musical form in the U.S. since the 1950s. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Historical Survey- Rock & Roll — 3469
MUS 1530
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will study the roots and development of Rock/Soul/Pop music from its earliest manifestations to the current state of pop music. Through readings, lectures, listening to musical examples, and video footage, they will experience the birth and development of this genre of musical expression, which has been the dominant musical form in the U.S. since the 1950s. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Historical Survey- Rock & Roll — 3470
MUS 1530
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will study the roots and development of Rock/Soul/Pop music from its earliest manifestations to the current state of pop music. Through readings, lectures, listening to musical examples, and video footage, they will experience the birth and development of this genre of musical expression, which has been the dominant musical form in the U.S. since the 1950s. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Historical Survey- Rock & Roll — 3471
MUS 1530
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will study the roots and development of Rock/Soul/Pop music from its earliest manifestations to the current state of pop music. Through readings, lectures, listening to musical examples, and video footage, they will experience the birth and development of this genre of musical expression, which has been the dominant musical form in the U.S. since the 1950s. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Music Theory II — 3473
MUS 1580
Neil Flory
In this continuation of Music Theory I, students gain further mastery of the structure of music through written work in more complex chordal structure, compositional techniques, and aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 1570. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Music Theory II — 3474
MUS 1580
Neil Flory
In this continuation of Music Theory I, students gain further mastery of the structure of music through written work in more complex chordal structure, compositional techniques, and aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 1570. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 309
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Music Theory II — 3475
MUS 1580
Neil Flory
In this continuation of Music Theory I, students gain further mastery of the structure of music through written work in more complex chordal structure, compositional techniques, and aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 1570. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 218
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Music Theory II — 3476
MUS 1580
Neil Flory
In this continuation of Music Theory I, students gain further mastery of the structure of music through written work in more complex chordal structure, compositional techniques, and aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 1570. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 9:15 am
Applied Mus-Private Lessons I — 3505
MUS 1610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons I — 3506
MUS 1610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons I — 3517
MUS 1610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons I — 3518
MUS 1610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons II — 3507
MUS 1620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons II — 3508
MUS 1620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons II — 3519
MUS 1620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons II — 3520
MUS 1620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Beginning Piano — 3481
MUS 1670
Charles F. Johnson
Offers group instruction in piano for the beginner. Through work at the keyboard and written work in music theory, students gain improved ability to perform at the piano or other keyboard instruments. Recommended for those interested in careers in therapy, recreation, education, music performance, music education, and other related fields. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 144
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Beginning Piano — 3482
MUS 1670
Charles F. Johnson
Offers group instruction in piano for the beginner. Through work at the keyboard and written work in music theory, students gain improved ability to perform at the piano or other keyboard instruments. Recommended for those interested in careers in therapy, recreation, education, music performance, music education, and other related fields. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Piano II — 3483
MUS 1690
Neil Flory
Students will receive further study in class piano. Aspects of keyboard technique, sight reading, improvisation, artistry, and repertoire will be emphasized. Prerequisite: MUS 1670. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 144
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
9:30 am – 10:20 am
Piano II — 3484
MUS 1690
Neil Flory
Students will receive further study in class piano. Aspects of keyboard technique, sight reading, improvisation, artistry, and repertoire will be emphasized. Prerequisite: MUS 1670. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
9:30 am – 10:20 am
Intro to Music Technology — 3487
MUS 1730
Matthew J. Estep
Appropriate for students with a personal or career interest in this area. No prior music or studio knowledge is required. Through course-work and experience in the college's digital studio, students will be introduced to and gain an understanding of the new music technology including music software, music sequencing, sound sampling, synthesizers, effects, drum machines, and other related equipment. Emphasis will be placed on aesthetics and style in the music produced. Additional studio hours are required. Recommended for those pursuing education, communications, Internet production with regard to audio, multimedia, education, performing arts, or music related fields. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 111
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Music Ensembles: Chorus I — 3492
MUS 1750
Julie M. Costantini
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. Since JCC music ensembles are non-audition, it is expected that first-time instrumentalists be at high school levels on their instruments. Chorus members must be able to sing in tune. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Jan 27 – May 16
5:00 pm – 6:40 pm
Music Ensembles: Chorus II — 3493
MUS 1760
Julie M. Costantini
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the second in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1750. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Jan 27 – May 16
5:00 pm – 6:40 pm
Music Ensembles: Rock I — 3501
MUS 1850
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. Since JCC music ensembles are non-audition, it is expected that first-time instrumentalists be at high school levels on their instruments. Chorus members must be able to sing in tune. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 7 – May 9
Music Ensembles: Rock II — 3502
MUS 1860
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the second in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1850. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 7 – May 9
Music Ensem: Concert Band I — 3497
MUS 1870
Christopher G. Wakefield
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. Since JCC music ensembles are non-audition, it is expected that first-time instrumentalists be at high school levels on their instruments. Chorus members must be able to sing in tune. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 4 – May 6
5:00 pm – 7:05 pm
Music Ensem: Concert Band II — 3498
MUS 1880
Christopher G. Wakefield
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the second in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1870. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 4 – May 6
5:00 pm – 7:05 pm
Guitar Maintenance/Repair — 3496
MUS 1890
Darwin B. Eckstrom
With a major course emphasis on guitar maintenance and repair, students will concentrate on proper stringing, tuning, set-up, and maintenance. Electric, acoustic, and MIDI Controller instruments will be considered. Purchase considerations for new and used instruments will be discussed. No previous music or repair experience required. Application to other stringed instruments will be included as appropriate. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 142C
Feb 12 – May 14
Wed, Fri
4:20 pm – 5:55 pm
Aural Skills II — 3477
MUS 1940
Marci A. Johnson
Provides further study in concepts emphasized in MUS 1930. Students will have access to computer-assisted practice sessions in the theory studio. Strongly recommended for students wishing to improve their musical abilities. Prerequisite: MUS 1930. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Aural Skills II — 3478
MUS 1940
Marci A. Johnson
Provides further study in concepts emphasized in MUS 1930. Students will have access to computer-assisted practice sessions in the theory studio. Strongly recommended for students wishing to improve their musical abilities. Prerequisite: MUS 1930. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Aural Skills II — 3479
MUS 1940
Marci A. Johnson
Provides further study in concepts emphasized in MUS 1930. Students will have access to computer-assisted practice sessions in the theory studio. Strongly recommended for students wishing to improve their musical abilities. Prerequisite: MUS 1930. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Aural Skills II — 3480
MUS 1940
Marci A. Johnson
Provides further study in concepts emphasized in MUS 1930. Students will have access to computer-assisted practice sessions in the theory studio. Strongly recommended for students wishing to improve their musical abilities. Prerequisite: MUS 1930. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
8:30 am – 9:20 am
Practices & Issues Music Bus — 3489
MUS 2520
Armand J. Petri
Students will comprehensively explore various aspects of the music business including publishing, copyright, contracts, licensing, the recording industry, artist management, tour management, marketing, fundraising, promotion, distribution, internet streaming, and others. Music industry ethics and the fundamentals of self-employment and self-promotion will be examines. The development of the industry will be discussed, and current issues and opportunities in the music business will be studied. Prerequisite: MUS 1520; Prerequisite/Corerequisite: ENG 1530. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Applied Mus-Private Lesson-III — 3509
MUS 2610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No Prerequisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lesson-III — 3510
MUS 2610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No Prerequisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lesson-III — 3521
MUS 2610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No Prerequisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lesson-III — 3522
MUS 2610
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No Prerequisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons IV — 3511
MUS 2620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons IV — 3512
MUS 2620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons IV — 3523
MUS 2620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons IV — 3524
MUS 2620
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons V — 3513
MUS 2630
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons V — 3514
MUS 2630
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons V — 3525
MUS 2630
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons V — 3526
MUS 2630
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons VI — 3515
MUS 2640
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons VI — 3516
MUS 2640
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $250
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons VI — 3527
MUS 2640
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Technology Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Applied Mus-Private Lessons VI — 3528
MUS 2640
Neil Flory
Provides for private study for the beginner or more advanced student on instruments, voice, composition, or other areas of music. Students gain musical skills and artistry through individual instruction. Sessions are arranged through the director of music. Public performance is optional. A studio fee is required. May be taken for a total of 6 credit hours. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
Fees: $250
North County Campus Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Music Ensembles: Chorus III — 3494
MUS 2750
Julie M. Costantini
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the third in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1760. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Jan 27 – May 16
5:00 pm – 6:40 pm
Music Ensembles: Chorus IV — 3495
MUS 2760
Julie M. Costantini
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the fourth in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 2750. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Jan 27 – May 16
5:00 pm – 6:40 pm
Music Ensembles: Rock III — 3503
MUS 2850
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the third in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1860. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 7 – May 9
Music Ensembles: Rock IV — 3504
MUS 2860
Darwin B. Eckstrom
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the fourth in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 2850. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 7 – May 9
Music Ensem: Concert Band III — 3499
MUS 2870
Christopher G. Wakefield
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the third in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 1880.J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 4 – May 6
5:00 pm – 7:05 pm
Music Ensem: Concert Band IV — 3500
MUS 2880
Christopher G. Wakefield
Students will participate in a music ensemble, gain a greater understanding of music literature and styles, and grow in musical expression through performance. Students will perform in the ensemble during a concert at the end of each semester. This course is the fourth in the sequence and will cover new and different music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 2870. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 147
Feb 4 – May 6
5:00 pm – 7:05 pm
Health Restoration — 3003
NUR 1520
Beth E. Coughlin, Kaye L. Young, Laura M. Williams, Allison L. Johnson, Dawn M. Pickett, Heather L. Burrell, Sara V. Luther, Rose M. Dunn, Shelby L. Sleight, Marlene S. Hamrick, Kristen A. Lord Lucas, Mark Petter, Bethany A. Anderson, Aubin C. Mooney
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $65
Sheldon Center 332
Jan 21 – May 16
10:00 am – 12:05 pm
Sheldon Center 332
Jan 21 – May 16
1:15 pm – 3:20 pm
Health Restoration - LAB — 3004
NUR 1520
Allison L. Johnson, Sara V. Luther
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center 332
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Health Restoration - LAB — 3005
NUR 1520
Allison L. Johnson, Sara V. Luther
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center 332
Jan 21 – May 16
Wed, Fri
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Health Restoration — 3014
NUR 1520
Mary K. Boser, Kaye L. Young, Laura M. Williams, Allison L. Johnson, Dorothy L. Oakley, Heather L. Burrell, Sara V. Luther, Rose M. Dunn, Brittany N. Stone, Marlene S. Hamrick, Brian E. Mark, Mark Petter
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $65
LLAC 308
Jan 21 – May 16
10:00 am – 12:05 pm
LLAC 308
Jan 21 – May 16
1:15 pm – 3:20 pm
Health Restoration - LAB — 3015
NUR 1520
Laura M. Williams, Rose M. Dunn
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Allied Health & Sciences Center 104
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Health Restoration - LAB — 3016
NUR 1520
Laura M. Williams, Rose M. Dunn
Students will continue to develop National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring intervention, teaching and learning, collaborating and managing care), the three roles of the AD nurse (provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline), and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies first introduced in NUR 1510. Students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient-centered care across the life span. The coursework emphasizes individuals experiencing simple/acute health disruptions in biophysical and psychosocial dimensions. Practice will occur in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will focus on assisting patients to reestablish health/wellness with emphasis on maternal, newborn, pediatric and surgical patients. Select ethical legal principles are reinforced. Students will learn the preparation and administration of parenteral medications, excluding intravenous medications. Prerequisites: NUR 1510 and successful completion of BIO 2510 with a grade of C or better, prerequisite/co-requisites: BIO 2520, SOC 1510, ENG 1530.. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Allied Health & Sciences Center 104
Jan 21 – May 16
Wed, Fri
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Nursing Internship I — 3011
NUR 2050
Debra S. Bablak
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 45 hours of supervised activity in a health care agency setting. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. Individual goals and objectives will be developed between student, faculty, mentor, and agency supervisor. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NUR 2510 with a grade of C+ or better and permission of the instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
Nursing Internship I — 3022
NUR 2050
Jennifer L. Visbisky
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 45 hours of supervised activity in a health care agency setting. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. Individual goals and objectives will be developed between student, faculty, mentor, and agency supervisor. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NUR 2510 with a grade of C+ or better and permission of the instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Nursing Internship II — 3012
NUR 2060
Debra S. Bablak
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 90 hours of supervised activity in a health care agency setting. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. Individual goals and objectives will be developed between student, faculty, mentor, and agency supervisor. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NUR 2510 with a grade of C+ or better and permission of the instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
Nursing Internship II — 3023
NUR 2060
Jennifer L. Visbisky
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 90 hours of supervised activity in a health care agency setting. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. Individual goals and objectives will be developed between student, faculty, mentor, and agency supervisor. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NUR 2510 with a grade of C+ or better and permission of the instructor. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Pharmacology For Nurses II — 3009
NUR 2360
Kaye L. Young, Heather L. Burrell, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Melanie A. Murphy, Marlene S. Hamrick, Debra S. Bablak
Students will continue to be introduced to essential information which promotes the knowledge and skills of safe medication therapy to clients/patients across the lifespan. The course will present the study of the pharmacological action of medications and the care of the client/patient using the nursing process. The course focuses on the medication for patients with alterations in the following: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory-perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation and psycho-social. Prerequisite: NUR 2350 Part I, and successful completion of NUR 1520, BIO 2510 and BIO 2520 with a grade of C or better. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Pharmacology For Nurses II — 3020
NUR 2360
Kaye L. Young, Dorothy L. Oakley, Heather L. Burrell, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Melanie A. Murphy, Marlene S. Hamrick, Debra S. Bablak
Students will continue to be introduced to essential information which promotes the knowledge and skills of safe medication therapy to clients/patients across the lifespan. The course will present the study of the pharmacological action of medications and the care of the client/patient using the nursing process. The course focuses on the medication for patients with alterations in the following: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory-perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation and psycho-social. Prerequisite: NUR 2350 Part I, and successful completion of NUR 1520, BIO 2510 and BIO 2520 with a grade of C or better. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Health Restoration/Maint II — 3007
NUR 2520
Beth E. Coughlin, Kaye L. Young, Allison L. Johnson, Heather L. Burrell, Sara V. Luther, Sarah A. Saullo, Kathleen L. Dillenburg, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Shaina R. Reynolds, Melanie A. Murphy, Marlene S. Hamrick, Penny L. Jensen, Debra S. Bablak, Mark Petter, Aubin C. Mooney
Students will continue to develop the National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching, and learning, collaborating and managing care) and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and the three roles of the Associate Degree (AD) nurse as provider of care and manager of care with an emphasis on the role as manager of care. Course work emphasizes individuals experiencing complex acute and chronic biophysical and mental health deviations. Using a variety of healthcare settings, students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient centered care across the life span. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients with the following health alterations: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation, and psychosocial. Prerequisites: NUR 2510, NUR 2350, NUR 2550, PSY 2510, and successful completion of BIO 2531 and 2532 with a grade of C or better; Corequisites: NUR 2560, NUR 2360; Prerequisite/corequisites: MAT 1540. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Health Restor/Maint II - LAB — 3008
NUR 2520
Sabrina E. Bland, Debra S. Bablak
Students will continue to develop the National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching, and learning, collaborating and managing care) and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and the three roles of the Associate Degree (AD) nurse as provider of care and manager of care with an emphasis on the role as manager of care. Course work emphasizes individuals experiencing complex acute and chronic biophysical and mental health deviations. Using a variety of healthcare settings, students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient centered care across the life span. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients with the following health alterations: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation, and psychosocial. Prerequisites: NUR 2510, NUR 2350, NUR 2550, PSY 2510, and successful completion of BIO 2531 and 2532 with a grade of C or better; Corequisites: NUR 2560, NUR 2360; Prerequisite/corequisites: MAT 1540. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $250
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
Health Restoration/Maint II — 3018
NUR 2520
Kaye L. Young, Laura M. Williams, Dorothy L. Oakley, Nicole M. Lippert, Heather L. Burrell, Crystal V. Goodman, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Rose M. Dunn, Melanie A. Murphy, Elizabeth A. Vancamp, Marlene S. Hamrick, Debra S. Bablak, Mark Petter
Students will continue to develop the National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching, and learning, collaborating and managing care) and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and the three roles of the Associate Degree (AD) nurse as provider of care and manager of care with an emphasis on the role as manager of care. Course work emphasizes individuals experiencing complex acute and chronic biophysical and mental health deviations. Using a variety of healthcare settings, students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient centered care across the life span. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients with the following health alterations: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation, and psychosocial. Prerequisites: NUR 2510, NUR 2350, NUR 2550, PSY 2510, and successful completion of BIO 2531 and 2532 with a grade of C or better; Corequisites: NUR 2560, NUR 2360; Prerequisite/corequisites: MAT 1540. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Health Restor/Maint II - LAB — 3019
NUR 2520
Heather L. Burrell, Jennifer L. Visbisky
Students will continue to develop the National League for Nursing (NLN) Associate Degree (AD) Competencies (professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching, and learning, collaborating and managing care) and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and the three roles of the Associate Degree (AD) nurse as provider of care and manager of care with an emphasis on the role as manager of care. Course work emphasizes individuals experiencing complex acute and chronic biophysical and mental health deviations. Using a variety of healthcare settings, students will provide safe, holistic, culturally competent patient centered care across the life span. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients with the following health alterations: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory perception, tissue integrity, cellular regulation, and psychosocial. Prerequisites: NUR 2510, NUR 2350, NUR 2550, PSY 2510, and successful completion of BIO 2531 and 2532 with a grade of C or better; Corequisites: NUR 2560, NUR 2360; Prerequisite/corequisites: MAT 1540. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $250
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Pathophysiology II — 3010
NUR 2560
Beth E. Coughlin, Kaye L. Young, Heather L. Burrell, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Marlene S. Hamrick, Debra S. Bablak
As a continuation of Pathophysiology I, students will study the physiological and psychological changes that occur as a result of disease processes. Emphasis will be placed on the nursing assessment and the analysis of clinical manifestation development. Students will integrate concepts from chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology and focus on their application to clinical practice. This course focuses on the pathophysiology for clients/patients with disruptions in the following: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory-perception, cellular regulation and tissue integrity. Prerequisite: NUR 2510, NUR 2550, and NUR 2350 Part I. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 334A
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Pathophysiology II — 3021
NUR 2560
Kaye L. Young, Dorothy L. Oakley, Heather L. Burrell, Jennifer L. Visbisky, Sabrina E. Bland, Melanie A. Murphy, Marlene S. Hamrick, Debra S. Bablak
As a continuation of Pathophysiology I, students will study the physiological and psychological changes that occur as a result of disease processes. Emphasis will be placed on the nursing assessment and the analysis of clinical manifestation development. Students will integrate concepts from chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology and focus on their application to clinical practice. This course focuses on the pathophysiology for clients/patients with disruptions in the following: oxygenation, perfusion, sensory-perception, cellular regulation and tissue integrity. Prerequisite: NUR 2510, NUR 2550, and NUR 2350 Part I. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Allied Health & Sciences Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Human Conditions-Lifespan — 3283
OTA 1520
Jessica J. Swanson
This course provides an overview of human development across the lifespan and the effects that congenital diseases, genetic conditions, disability, trauma, and injury have on occupational performance. Students will learn common conditions seen in occupational therapy practice with emphasis on etiology, clinical course, management, and prognosis. Students will explore the influences of health, wellness on an individual, their family, culture and society. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $20
Jan 21 – May 16
Human Cond-Lifespan - LAB — 3378
OTA 1520
Jessica J. Swanson
This course provides an overview of human development across the lifespan and the effects that congenital diseases, genetic conditions, disability, trauma, and injury have on occupational performance. Students will learn common conditions seen in occupational therapy practice with emphasis on etiology, clinical course, management, and prognosis. Students will explore the influences of health, wellness on an individual, their family, culture and society. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $20
Jan 21 – May 16
Psychosocial Concepts/Techniqu — 3284
OTA 1620
Sarah B. Tranum, Jessica J. Swanson, Selina Nagle
Students will be introduced to current occupational therapy and psychological models of care to address the complex needs of individuals with psychiatric and neurobehavioral disorders. Content surrounding mental health theories and trends, diagnoses and medications will be explored. Occupation-based assessment and intervention techniques will be explored and practiced in this course. Through hands on experiences, students will develop individual and group treatment sessions in clinical environment that mirror best practices in mental health. Prerequisite/Corequisite: PSY 2560. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $15
Jan 24 – May 16
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Fundamental Skills of OT II — 3653
OTA 1630
Sarah B. Tranum, Jessica J. Swanson, Selina Nagle
Students will build upon the knowledge gained in OTA 1530 to further develop skills necessary for professional practice. Advanced application of the following skills will occur: treatment planning, task analysis, documentation, and evidence based practice. Professionalism skills of advocacy, inter and intraprofessional communication, and cultural awareness will be discussed. Additionally students will be introduced to practical skills of checking vital signs, basic transfers, range of motion and goniometry. Prerequisite: OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 27 – May 16
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
OT Interventions I — 3297
OTA 1640
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will be introduced to the occupational therapy continuum of therapeutic interventions. Students will structure, plan and implement individual and group interventions that are reflective of contemporary occupational therapy practice in pediatric and psychosocial settings. Various frames of reference and models of practice will be used to guide student planning. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Sheldon Center 146
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
OT Interventions I — 3303
OTA 1640
Sarah B. Tranum
Students will be introduced to the occupational therapy continuum of therapeutic interventions. Students will structure, plan and implement individual and group interventions that are reflective of contemporary occupational therapy practice in pediatric and psychosocial settings. Various frames of reference and models of practice will be used to guide student planning. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Growing Years:Birth-Young Adul — 3294
OTA 1650
Sarah B. Tranum, Jessica J. Swanson, Selina Nagle
Students will learn the major developmental disabilities across the lifespan and how a disability adversely affects the development and engagement in life roles (i.e.: student, sibling, friend, etc.). Theories of human development and occupation will be linked to provide a deeper understanding of the acquisition of functional skills and social roles of children birth to 21 years of age. Occupational assessments will be explored and relevant treatment techniques will be reviewed. Learning about treatment delivery models of children with disabilities will emphasize naturalized environments and family centered models. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Prerequisite: OTA 1520 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $35
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 27 – May 16
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 27 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Growing Years:Birth-Young -LAB — 3296
OTA 1650
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will learn the major developmental disabilities across the lifespan and how a disability adversely affects the development and engagement in life roles (i.e.: student, sibling, friend, etc.). Theories of human development and occupation will be linked to provide a deeper understanding of the acquisition of functional skills and social roles of children birth to 21 years of age. Occupational assessments will be explored and relevant treatment techniques will be reviewed. Learning about treatment delivery models of children with disabilities will emphasize naturalized environments and family centered models. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530; Prerequisite: OTA 1520 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $35
Sheldon Center 146
Jan 22 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Professional Practice — 3319
OTA 1700
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will be introduced to and will practice professionalism skills both in the classroom and in various community settings, under the direction of an occupational therapy practitioner. Preparation for and exposure to practice settings and patient interaction are the primary focus of this course. Through reflection and discussion, application of knowledge about the profession will be practiced. HIPAA regulations, mandated reporter requirements, and universal precautions will be addressed. Background checks will be completed in preparation for student experiences working with the pediatric population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 27 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Professional Practice — 3322
OTA 1700
Sarah B. Tranum
Students will be introduced to and will practice professionalism skills both in the classroom and in various community settings, under the direction of an occupational therapy practitioner. Preparation for and exposure to practice settings and patient interaction are the primary focus of this course. Through reflection and discussion, application of knowledge about the profession will be practiced. HIPAA regulations, mandated reporter requirements, and universal precautions will be addressed. Background checks will be completed in preparation for student experiences working with the pediatric population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Sheldon Center 116
Jan 27 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Professional Practice — 3366
OTA 1700
Selina Nagle
Students will be introduced to and will practice professionalism skills both in the classroom and in various community settings, under the direction of an occupational therapy practitioner. Preparation for and exposure to practice settings and patient interaction are the primary focus of this course. Through reflection and discussion, application of knowledge about the profession will be practiced. HIPAA regulations, mandated reporter requirements, and universal precautions will be addressed. Background checks will be completed in preparation for student experiences working with the pediatric population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Sheldon Center 146
Jan 27 – May 16
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Professional Practice — 3379
OTA 1700
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will be introduced to and will practice professionalism skills both in the classroom and in various community settings, under the direction of an occupational therapy practitioner. Preparation for and exposure to practice settings and patient interaction are the primary focus of this course. Through reflection and discussion, application of knowledge about the profession will be practiced. HIPAA regulations, mandated reporter requirements, and universal precautions will be addressed. Background checks will be completed in preparation for student experiences working with the pediatric population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510 and OTA 1530 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $30
Sheldon Center 117
Jan 27 – May 16
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Fieldwork IIA:Principles/Pract — 3367
OTA 2700
Jessica J. Swanson, Selina Nagle
Students will participate in the first of two level II fieldwork experiences required for the program. An in-depth experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services will be provided in one of a variety of clinical placement sites. This experience shall develop and expand the students' repertoire of occupational therapy practice in an effort to develop competent, entry-level prepared occupational therapy assistants that are skilled in applying the OT process to client care. Students will be mentored through this experience by a qualified OT Practitioner. In addition, students will participate in an online portion of the course with student learning focusing on the regulation of the profession of occupational therapy at the local, state, and federal levels. Principles of occupational therapy ethics/dispute resolution systems will be explored and applied to personal and professional conflicts. Students will explore roles and responsibilities of various team members while reflecting on their own responsibilities of working in the profession of Occupational Therapy. Psychosocial factors that influence engagement in occupation will be integrated into student learning. Level II fieldwork must be completed within 12 months of academic preparation. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior OTA courses with a grade of C or better. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $40
Jan 21 – May 16
Fieldwork IIA:Principles/Pract — 3369
OTA 2700
Jessica J. Swanson, Selina Nagle
Students will participate in the first of two level II fieldwork experiences required for the program. An in-depth experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services will be provided in one of a variety of clinical placement sites. This experience shall develop and expand the students' repertoire of occupational therapy practice in an effort to develop competent, entry-level prepared occupational therapy assistants that are skilled in applying the OT process to client care. Students will be mentored through this experience by a qualified OT Practitioner. In addition, students will participate in an online portion of the course with student learning focusing on the regulation of the profession of occupational therapy at the local, state, and federal levels. Principles of occupational therapy ethics/dispute resolution systems will be explored and applied to personal and professional conflicts. Students will explore roles and responsibilities of various team members while reflecting on their own responsibilities of working in the profession of Occupational Therapy. Psychosocial factors that influence engagement in occupation will be integrated into student learning. Level II fieldwork must be completed within 12 months of academic preparation. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior OTA courses with a grade of C or better. J spring.
Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $40
Jan 21 – May 16
Fieldwork IIB: Service Mgm — 3382
OTA 2720
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will participate in their second of two level II fieldwork experiences which are required for the program. An in-depth experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services will be provided in one of a variety of clinical placement sites. This experience shall further develop and expand students' repertoire in order to develop competent, entry-level prepared occupational therapy assistants that are skilled in applying the OT process to client care. Students will be mentored through this experience by a qualified OT Practitioner. In addition, students will participate in an online component to the course which will challenge students to identify and discuss trends and issues facing the profession in a variety of service contexts. Service delivery concepts will be explored with topical areas to include, but not limited to, management concepts, reimbursement, quality improvement, supervision, and leadership. Level II fieldwork must be completed within 12 months of academic preparation. Prerequisite: OTA 2700 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $40
Jan 21 – May 16
Fieldwork IIB: Service Mgm — 3383
OTA 2720
Jessica J. Swanson
Students will participate in their second of two level II fieldwork experiences which are required for the program. An in-depth experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services will be provided in one of a variety of clinical placement sites. This experience shall further develop and expand students' repertoire in order to develop competent, entry-level prepared occupational therapy assistants that are skilled in applying the OT process to client care. Students will be mentored through this experience by a qualified OT Practitioner. In addition, students will participate in an online component to the course which will challenge students to identify and discuss trends and issues facing the profession in a variety of service contexts. Service delivery concepts will be explored with topical areas to include, but not limited to, management concepts, reimbursement, quality improvement, supervision, and leadership. Level II fieldwork must be completed within 12 months of academic preparation. Prerequisite: OTA 2700 with a grade of C or better. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $40
Jan 21 – May 16
OTA Clinic - Fieldwork I — 3384
OTA 7001
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 24 hours of supervised Occupational Therapy services in the OTA clinic. Additionally, students will participate in a weekly seminar that will focus on improving knowledge and skills necessary to work with this special population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510, 1520, and 1530 with a grade of C or better. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 116
Jan 21 – May 16
OTA Clinic - Fieldwork I — 3385
OTA 7001
Students will gain practical experience participating in a minimum of 24 hours of supervised Occupational Therapy services in the OTA clinic. Additionally, students will participate in a weekly seminar that will focus on improving knowledge and skills necessary to work with this special population. Prerequisite: OTA 1510, 1520, and 1530 with a grade of C or better. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 116
Jan 21 – May 16
Personal Trainer Cert Prep — 3351
PHE 1480
Charles R. Jambliter, Tina S. Sardo
Student gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in preparation for a national certification exam in personal training. Topics include guidelines for instructor safe, effective, and purposeful exercise, essentials of the client-trainer relationship, conducting health and fitness assessments, and designing and implementing appropriate exercise programming. No requisites. J spring, fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Care/Prevent Athletic Injuries — 3352
PHE 1500
David R. Boyd
Students will be introduced to methods of conditioning, prevention, recognition, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries, administrative procedures, and other major concerns conducted in an athletic training setting. The application of skills and knowledge in the clinical experience in the athletic training room will be emphasized. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BIO 2510. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $10
PHED 158
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Principles/Fitness/Wellness — 3353
PHE 1590
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will be introduced to the basic concepts and benefits of physical activity, adequate nutrition, and positive lifetime patterns as a means to promote better health. Combines a series of lectures and labs to disseminate practical information that will enable students to make judgments about their lifestyle choices. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $15
Jan 27 – May 16
3:00 pm – 3:50 pm
Fitness Concepts/Applications — 3356
PHE 1620
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will apply fundamental concepts of health-focused fitness, which include: flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular health, and body composition. Students will learn how to incorporate and benefit from proper warm ups, cool downs, weight training, plyometrics, HIIT and SARQ training, lower back care, injury prevention, relaxation techniques, and nutrition in their personal workout routines. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to create a personalized fitness program designed specifically for them, based on body typology, muscle fibers, resting heart rate and body composition. No requisites. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $25
Jan 27 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Beginning Weight Training — 3354
PHE 1680
Ashley D. Lund
Students will use universal and free weights to develop strength and muscular endurance. The course will introduce concepts of form, repetition sequences, and provide a basic understanding of musculature and training techniques.No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $25
PHED 203
Jan 22 – Feb 26
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Beginning Weight Training — 3358
PHE 1680
Ashley D. Lund
Students will use universal and free weights to develop strength and muscular endurance. The course will introduce concepts of form, repetition sequences, and provide a basic understanding of musculature and training techniques.No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $25
Jan 21 – Feb 26
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Self-Defense: Coed — 3355
PHE 1770
Renee L. Funke
Students will demonstrate the use of effective physical actions when no other alternative is available. Students will also demonstrate the ability to minimize the possibilities of assault and physical confrontation. The elements of karate, aikido, judo, and other fighting martial arts will be introduced. Learning how not to be a victim is the main course objective. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 148
Jan 27 – May 16
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Defensive Tactics/Law Enforce — 3028
PHE 2470
Kyle D. Rensel
Students are given the knowledge, skills, and abilities to defend themselves during physical altercations while staying within the proper force/level of resistance matrix. Defensive tactics, mechanics of an arrest, transportation of prisoners, and searches are emphasized. Demonstration of learned skills by students is required. Eligibility: student must be current Chautauqua County Sheriff's Academy recruit. New York state certified police/peace officer may be accepted with approval of the academy director. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 203
Jan 13 – May 21
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Sport Nutrition — 3638
PHE 2880
Aimee M. Brunelle
Students will develop a thorough understanding of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one's fitness and sport performance. The effect nutrition has on health promotion and disease prevention is emphasized through current research and practical activities. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Mar 31 – May 16
Advanced Weight Training — 3357
PHE 8505
Ashley D. Lund
Students will advance to the next level of resistance training. The student will learn advanced training techniques that emphasize muscular strength, principles of progression, periodization, nutrition and supplementation. The student will move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to a program that is fine tuned and designed for their specific strength goals. No requisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $25
PHED 203
Mar 3 – Apr 23
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Philosophy — 3533
PHL 1510
Siby Thomas
Students will gain an understanding of the Western philosophical tradition and the influences of philosophical thinking. Students are introduced to major areas of philosophy and explore the relationships between concepts in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, social philosophy, and aesthetics. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Biomedical Ethics — 3728
PHL 2720
Ellen J. Lehning
Students will identify key problems confronted by health and medical care professionals. Students will articulate a moral point of view with which they will address problems such as informed consent, patient rights, confidentiality, euthanasia, genetic testing, and medical resource allocation. Prerequisite: ENG 1530. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Science Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Foundational Physics — 3119
PHY 1500
Sean R. Nowling
Students will use various experiments to learn the fundamental phenomena, principles, and laws of physics. Topics will include: motion, Newton's laws, torque, and the principles of work and energy. Students will look at physics both conceptually, where verbal reasoning will be emphasized, as well as quantitatively, where students will utilize algebra to model the physical world. No previous knowledge of physics is assumed. Prerequisite (or corequisite) ENG 1510, Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher or Prerequisite: MAT 1500. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 21 – May 16
4:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Foundational Physics Lab — 3120
PHY 1500
Sean R. Nowling
Students will use various experiments to learn the fundamental phenomena, principles, and laws of physics. Topics will include: motion, Newton's laws, torque, and the principles of work and energy. Students will look at physics both conceptually, where verbal reasoning will be emphasized, as well as quantitatively, where students will utilize algebra to model the physical world. No previous knowledge of physics is assumed. Prerequisite (or corequisite) ENG 1510, Eligibility: MAT 1590 or higher or Prerequisite: MAT 1500. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 23 – May 16
4:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Analytical Physics I — 3123
PHY 1710
Sean R. Nowling
Students will use computer-based laboratory techniques to learn about Newtonian mechanics. They will learn good problem-solving strategies as well as good laboratory practices. They will use vector analysis and calculus to study linear kinematics, dynamics, and conservation laws for momentum and energy. Students will investigate rotating systems and rigid bodies, including solving problems which use angular momentum, torque, center of mass, and moment of inertia concepts. They will also explore simple harmonic oscillators and wave motion. This is the first semester in a three-semester sequence of physics courses designed for students planning to major in physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering science, or computer science. Students will begin to become aware of physics in everything they do and see. A tutorial session is available and strongly recommended. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, MAT 1710, and high school physics or PHY 1500 or PHY 1610. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
9:10 am – 10:00 am
Analytical Physics I Lab — 3124
PHY 1710
Sean R. Nowling
Students will use computer-based laboratory techniques to learn about Newtonian mechanics. They will learn good problem-solving strategies as well as good laboratory practices. They will use vector analysis and calculus to study linear kinematics, dynamics, and conservation laws for momentum and energy. Students will investigate rotating systems and rigid bodies, including solving problems which use angular momentum, torque, center of mass, and moment of inertia concepts. They will also explore simple harmonic oscillators and wave motion. This is the first semester in a three-semester sequence of physics courses designed for students planning to major in physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering science, or computer science. Students will begin to become aware of physics in everything they do and see. A tutorial session is available and strongly recommended. Prerequisite: ENG 1510, MAT 1710, and high school physics or PHY 1500 or PHY 1610. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed, Fri
10:05 am – 10:55 am
Analytical Physics II — 3125
PHY 2710
Sean R. Nowling
Students continue their investigation into physical phenomenon by focusing on electric and magnetic interactions and the structure of matter. Students will develop an understanding of Maxwell's equations from a detailed treatment of the laws of Coulomb, Ampere, and Faraday. They will use an investigative approach to get an intuitive understanding of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with charged matter. Students will use vector calculus concepts such as line and surface integrals and will become familiar with the operation of meters and computer based data acquisition devises. Students will also study geometric and physical optics. The course will end with perplexing problems of noncovariance of the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell. The answers to these questions lead to the study of modern physics topics. Prerequisite: PHY 1710; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 2650. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 21 – May 16
1:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Analytical Physics II Lab — 3126
PHY 2710
Sean R. Nowling
Students continue their investigation into physical phenomenon by focusing on electric and magnetic interactions and the structure of matter. Students will develop an understanding of Maxwell's equations from a detailed treatment of the laws of Coulomb, Ampere, and Faraday. They will use an investigative approach to get an intuitive understanding of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with charged matter. Students will use vector calculus concepts such as line and surface integrals and will become familiar with the operation of meters and computer based data acquisition devises. Students will also study geometric and physical optics. The course will end with perplexing problems of noncovariance of the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell. The answers to these questions lead to the study of modern physics topics. Prerequisite: PHY 1710; Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 2650. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $20
Sheldon Center 133
Jan 23 – May 16
1:15 pm – 3:45 pm
World Politics — 3542
POL 1520
Donald F. De Angelo
Students will study world politics in the post-cold war era by focusing on a variety of political ""actors"" including, but not limited, to nation-states, non-governmental organizations, and intergovernmental organizations including transnational organizations such as the United Nations and supranational organizations such as the European Union. Students develop an understanding of idealism and realism as the two major theories for organizing the study of world politics. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
World Politics — 3543
POL 1520
Donald F. De Angelo
Students will study world politics in the post-cold war era by focusing on a variety of political ""actors"" including, but not limited, to nation-states, non-governmental organizations, and intergovernmental organizations including transnational organizations such as the United Nations and supranational organizations such as the European Union. Students develop an understanding of idealism and realism as the two major theories for organizing the study of world politics. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 310
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
World Politics — 3544
POL 1520
Donald F. De Angelo
Students will study world politics in the post-cold war era by focusing on a variety of political ""actors"" including, but not limited, to nation-states, non-governmental organizations, and intergovernmental organizations including transnational organizations such as the United Nations and supranational organizations such as the European Union. Students develop an understanding of idealism and realism as the two major theories for organizing the study of world politics. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Psychology — 3586
PSY 1510
Nichole C. Segrue
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 249
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
9:30 am – 10:45 am
General Psychology — 3587
PSY 1510
Frank J. Corapi
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 215
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Psychology — 3588
PSY 1510
Tracey S. Mitchell
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 249
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
General Psychology — 3594
PSY 1510
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 27 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
General Psychology — 3595
PSY 1510
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 27 – May 16
6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
General Psychology — 3596
PSY 1510
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Psychology — 3597
PSY 1510
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
General Psychology — 3598
PSY 1510
Ronald Erik Seastedt
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Katharine Jackson Carnahan Center 167
Feb 27 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
General Psychology — 3599
PSY 1510
Ronald Erik Seastedt
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
General Psychology — 3609
PSY 1510
Frank J. Corapi
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
General Psychology — 3615
PSY 1510
Frank J. Corapi
Students will demonstrate an understanding of theories and research as they apply to fundamental concepts in psychology. As they complete readings and activities on the history of psychology, models of learning, biology and behavior, personality theory, psychological disorders, social psychology and other selected topics students will apply their knowledge to better understand the causes of thought, feeling, and behavior. They will be able to comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the science of psychology. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Life Span Development — 3585
PSY 2510
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from conception to late adulthood. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking concerning the developmental processes and issues characterizing the various stages of the life cycle. Emphases will be placed on integrating theory and research and appreciating the practical application of life span development to real-life concerns and problems. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 311
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Life Span Development — 3600
PSY 2510
Tracey S. Mitchell
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from conception to late adulthood. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking concerning the developmental processes and issues characterizing the various stages of the life cycle. Emphases will be placed on integrating theory and research and appreciating the practical application of life span development to real-life concerns and problems. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Life Span Development — 3601
PSY 2510
Tracey S. Mitchell
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from conception to late adulthood. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking concerning the developmental processes and issues characterizing the various stages of the life cycle. Emphases will be placed on integrating theory and research and appreciating the practical application of life span development to real-life concerns and problems. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Life Span Development — 3610
PSY 2510
Katey E. Baruth
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from conception to late adulthood. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking concerning the developmental processes and issues characterizing the various stages of the life cycle. Emphases will be placed on integrating theory and research and appreciating the practical application of life span development to real-life concerns and problems. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Life Span Development — 3611
PSY 2510
Katey E. Baruth
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from conception to late adulthood. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking concerning the developmental processes and issues characterizing the various stages of the life cycle. Emphases will be placed on integrating theory and research and appreciating the practical application of life span development to real-life concerns and problems. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Child Development — 3602
PSY 2520
Renee L. Funke
Students will demonstrate an understanding of development from conception to adolescence, including knowledge of research methods, theories, and factual information. They will apply that knowledge to important issues that affect children from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through a series of exercises, students will improve their ability to observe children and write about what they observe. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 27 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Child Development — 3603
PSY 2520
Renee L. Funke
Students will demonstrate an understanding of development from conception to adolescence, including knowledge of research methods, theories, and factual information. They will apply that knowledge to important issues that affect children from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through a series of exercises, students will improve their ability to observe children and write about what they observe. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 27 – May 16
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Child Development — 3612
PSY 2520
Renee L. Funke
Students will demonstrate an understanding of development from conception to adolescence, including knowledge of research methods, theories, and factual information. They will apply that knowledge to important issues that affect children from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through a series of exercises, students will improve their ability to observe children and write about what they observe. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Social Psychology — 3604
PSY 2530
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate mastery of theories and research in the field of social psychology. The course focus is on the influence of groups on individuals. Topics include prejudice, aggression, conformity, group decision making, and leadership. Students apply class material to real-life situations and will demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity, including ethnic, racial, and gender issues. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Social Psychology — 3605
PSY 2530
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate mastery of theories and research in the field of social psychology. The course focus is on the influence of groups on individuals. Topics include prejudice, aggression, conformity, group decision making, and leadership. Students apply class material to real-life situations and will demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity, including ethnic, racial, and gender issues. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Interpersonal/Group Dynamics — 3589
PSY 2540
Frank J. Corapi
Students will demonstrate mastery of the theories involved in both interpersonal relations and group dynamics and will be able to apply those theories to their own lives. They will be familiar with the research in both areas and be able to critically analyze various types of group process. Students will do a process observation of an interpersonal and/or group interaction. Students will be committed to learning by experiential and more traditional methods. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall; spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 254
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Interpersonal/Group Dynamics — 3608
PSY 2540
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will demonstrate mastery of the theories involved in both interpersonal relations and group dynamics and will be able to apply those theories to their own lives. They will be familiar with the research in both areas and be able to critically analyze various types of group process. Students will do a process observation of an interpersonal and/or group interaction. Students will be committed to learning by experiential and more traditional methods. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall; spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Psychology of Adolescence — 3590
PSY 2550
Joshua L. Zeiders-Weber
Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development from the onset of puberty to adulthood; this understanding will cover physical, psychological, and cognitive development. Through exams and exercises, the student will demonstrate knowledge in personality development, physical development, adolescent sexuality, the achievement of autonomy, development of self, and developmental and behavioral problems of adolescence. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 249
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Abnormal Behavior — 3584
PSY 2560
Francis G. Lachappelle
Students will demonstrate mastery of past and current theoretical perspectives on abnormal behavior. Students will critically evaluate issues relating to the classification, etiology, and treatment of basic abnormal behavior categories identified in the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Applications are made to specific case studies Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 209
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Abnormal Behavior — 3606
PSY 2560
Kristin M. Olson
Students will demonstrate mastery of past and current theoretical perspectives on abnormal behavior. Students will critically evaluate issues relating to the classification, etiology, and treatment of basic abnormal behavior categories identified in the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Applications are made to specific case studies Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Abnormal Behavior — 3607
PSY 2560
Kristin M. Olson
Students will demonstrate mastery of past and current theoretical perspectives on abnormal behavior. Students will critically evaluate issues relating to the classification, etiology, and treatment of basic abnormal behavior categories identified in the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Applications are made to specific case studies Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Abnormal Behavior — 3614
PSY 2560
Frank J. Corapi
Students will demonstrate mastery of past and current theoretical perspectives on abnormal behavior. Students will critically evaluate issues relating to the classification, etiology, and treatment of basic abnormal behavior categories identified in the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Applications are made to specific case studies Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Sociology — 3371
SOC 1510
Arnaud F. Lambert
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Sociology — 3372
SOC 1510
Siby Thomas
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Sociology — 3373
SOC 1510
Siby Thomas
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Intro to Sociology — 3376
SOC 1510
Arnaud F. Lambert
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Technology Center 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Sociology — 3377
SOC 1510
Rachel D. O'Brian
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Intro to Sociology — 3387
SOC 1510
Rachel D. O'Brian
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 204
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Sociology — 3388
SOC 1510
Rachel D. O'Brian
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 107
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Sociology — 3389
SOC 1510
Rachel D. O'Brian
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Technology Center 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intro to Sociology — 3393
SOC 1510
Arnaud F. Lambert
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 215
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Intro to Sociology — 3771
SOC 1510
Arnaud F. Lambert
Students will use sociological perspectives to critically analyze and understand taken-for-granted aspects of our social world. The influences of culture, socialization, social groups, and institutions on human behavior are investigated. Cultural diversity and issues related to social inequalities are also explored. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 215
Jan 24 – May 16
11:40 am – 2:20 pm
Intro. to Dis/Ability Studies — 3688
SOC 2550
Shannon E. Bessette
Students will explore both the medical model and the social model of what it means to be ?able-bodied? and ?disabled,? and the benefits and disadvantages of those labels for the people who bear them. Students will also compare and contrast the concepts of ability and disability for people living around the globe, and understand the work of social activists in the disability community. Finally, we will address the new possibilities that are emerging in the form of technologies and medications, and what that means for access and identity. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
Criminology — 3390
SOC 2560
Frank J. Corapi
This course will focus on various issues surrounding the sociological study of crime. Students will examine how crime is defined, its distribution over different types of societies and social groups, the different methods used to measure the extent and nature of crime, theories of crime causation, the characteristics of criminals and victims, particular types of criminal conduct, and approaches to crime control. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Hultquist Library 267
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Criminology — 3391
SOC 2560
Frank J. Corapi
This course will focus on various issues surrounding the sociological study of crime. Students will examine how crime is defined, its distribution over different types of societies and social groups, the different methods used to measure the extent and nature of crime, theories of crime causation, the characteristics of criminals and victims, particular types of criminal conduct, and approaches to crime control. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
North County Center
North County Campus Center 226
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Criminology — 3392
SOC 2560
Frank J. Corapi
This course will focus on various issues surrounding the sociological study of crime. Students will examine how crime is defined, its distribution over different types of societies and social groups, the different methods used to measure the extent and nature of crime, theories of crime causation, the characteristics of criminals and victims, particular types of criminal conduct, and approaches to crime control. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
LLAC 317
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Introductory Spanish I — 3458
SPA 1510
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the novice-mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon personal and public identity, family and community, and contemporary life in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $50
Jan 21 – May 16
Introductory Spanish I — 3459
SPA 1510
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the novice-mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon personal and public identity, family and community, and contemporary life in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $50
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Introductory Spanish I — 3651
SPA 1510
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the novice-mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon personal and public identity, family and community, and contemporary life in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $50
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
10:15 am – 12:10 pm
Introductory Spanish II — 3460
SPA 1520
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the novice-high level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon education, travel, leisure, family and community celebrations in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Prerequisite: SPA 1510; or two years high school Spanish. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $70
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Introductory Spanish II — 3461
SPA 1520
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the novice-high level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon education, travel, leisure, family and community celebrations in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Prerequisite: SPA 1510; or two years high school Spanish. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $70
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:30 pm – 3:25 pm
Globalize Your Mind I — 3464
SPA 1600
Jessica J. Swanson, Michelle L. Richau
Students will study Spanish in preparation for living with a native family and engaging with the local community. Students will explore the social, historical, and cultural richness of the Spanish speaking country. This course is a prerequisite for SPA 1601. EEligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring, C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 121
Jan 21 – May 16
6:00 pm – 6:50 pm
Globalize Your Mind I — 3465
SPA 1600
Jessica J. Swanson, Michelle L. Richau
Students will study Spanish in preparation for living with a native family and engaging with the local community. Students will explore the social, historical, and cultural richness of the Spanish speaking country. This course is a prerequisite for SPA 1601. EEligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring, C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jan 21 – May 16
6:00 pm – 6:50 pm
Spain Internship — 3723
SPA 2010
Renee L. Funke
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed.Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 21 – May 14
Intermediate Spanish II — 3922
SPA 2520
Michelle L. Richau
Students will learn to interact effectively and appropriately in Spanish at the intermediate low/mid level with people from other language and culture backgrounds. Students will communicate and reflect upon public and personal identity, contemporary life, and sciences and technology in the U.S. and the Spanish-speaking community. Prerequisite: SPA 2510; or four years high school Spanish. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $70
Sheldon Center
Jan 21 – May 16
Foundations-Coaching&Teaching — 3360
SPT 1310
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will develop an understanding of the various components of the coaching profession with emphasis on coaching philosophy, sport pedagogy, sport psychology, and sport physiology. All students will have an opportunity to become certified in the Coaching Principles portion of the American Sport Education Program (ASEP). Students will also be provided an overview of the philosophical and sociological aspects of coaching, coaching trends, and related issues. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $35
Sheldon Center 138
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Foundations-Coaching&Teaching — 3690
SPT 1310
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will develop an understanding of the various components of the coaching profession with emphasis on coaching philosophy, sport pedagogy, sport psychology, and sport physiology. All students will have an opportunity to become certified in the Coaching Principles portion of the American Sport Education Program (ASEP). Students will also be provided an overview of the philosophical and sociological aspects of coaching, coaching trends, and related issues. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Fees: $35
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Sport Media — 3365
SPT 1350
Gregory K. Vorse
Students will examine the field of sport media as it relates to the sport industry. Students will be introduced to the relationship between sport and the media while analyzing their historical development. Additionally, students will be introduced to sport through various media outlets while analyzing sport media managements. Lastly, students will assess the future of sport media and the different trends and strategies within the industry. No requisites. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 211
Jan 22 – May 16
Mon, Wed
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Sports Promotion and Marketing — 3363
SPT 1550
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will explore promotion and advertisement, marketing, and sales as they pertain to the sport enterprise, including decision making and planning from the sport manager?s perspective and sponsorship strategies utilized in the sports industry. Specific topics include: the nature of sport marketing, studies of sport consumers and consumer behaviors, marketing analytics, the sport product, managing sport brands, licensing, pricing and promotions, sales, electronic media, public relations, and the marketing mix. Also examined will be the legal aspects of sports marketing and ideas for future trends. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
PHED 211
Jan 21 – May 16
Tue, Thu
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Youth Sport Administration — 3362
SPT 2330
Ashley D. Lund, Angela N. Pucciarelli Rice
Students will examine the youth sport movement by exploring a broad overview of the major topics in the area. Specifically, the course prepares students as program directors by focusing on related issues such as sport specialization, burnout, overuse injuries, and parent and coaching education. Information garnered in this course is relevant for sport management personnel, fitness professionals, teachers/coaches, and/or athletic trainers. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Jan 22 – May 16
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Sport History Through Film — 3361
SPT 2530
Jacob T. Hordych
Students will be presented with an overview of sport history in the United States from 1900 to the present. Utilizing film (i.e., past and present movies and documentaries) as the platform, students will examine social, political, and economic make-up and the ability of sport to effect and shape institutions. Particular focus will be given to social class, race and ethnicity, gender, community, technology, and commercialization through the media. Prerequisite: ENG 1510. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Feb 27 – May 16
Safety and Cutting Processes — 3157
WLD 1200
John J. Kleinfelder
This course introduces oxy-fuel and plasma-arc cutting systems. Topics include an intensive introduction to welding safety, proper equipment setup, and operation of oxy-fuel and plasma-arc cutting equipment with emphasis on straight line, curve and bevel cutting. Upon completion, students should be able to oxy-fuel and plasma-arc cut metals of varying thicknesses as well as have an appropriate understanding of welding safety. No requisites. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 113
Jan 21 – Feb 13
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Gas Metal Arc Welding — 3162
WLD 1360
Eric J. Witherow
This course introduces gas metal arc (GMAW) welding and flux core arc welding processes (FCAW). Topics include equipment setup and fillet and groove welds with emphasis on application of GMAW and FCAW electrodes on carbon steel plate. Upon completion, students should be able to perform fillet welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, and overhead positions. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 113
Jan 22 – Mar 17
Mon, Wed
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding — 3163
WLD 1370
Barry M. Pfaff
This course introduces the gas tungsten arc (GTAW) welding process. Topics include correct selection of tungsten, polarity, gas, and proper filler rod with emphasis placed on safety, equipment setup, and welding techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to perform GTAW fillet and groove welds with various electrodes and filler materials. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 113
Jan 22 – Mar 12
Mon, Wed
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Adv Shielded Metal Arc Welding — 3164
WLD 2250
Brent A. Harkness
Advanced shielded metal arc (stick) welding techniques will be performed using mild steel electrodes in the flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions on structural plate. Identifying and analyzing defects in welding joints is emphasized. Carbon steel plate is welded using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) to American Welding Society (AWS) Code. Students will develop skills necessary to make quality welds on carbon steel pipe with open root and backing rings according to AWS, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and American Petroleum Institute (API) code. Prerequisite: WLD 1350; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 121A
Mar 19 – May 16
Mon, Wed
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Adv Shielded Metal Arc Welding — 3165
WLD 2250
Robert Elliott
Advanced shielded metal arc (stick) welding techniques will be performed using mild steel electrodes in the flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions on structural plate. Identifying and analyzing defects in welding joints is emphasized. Carbon steel plate is welded using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) to American Welding Society (AWS) Code. Students will develop skills necessary to make quality welds on carbon steel pipe with open root and backing rings according to AWS, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and American Petroleum Institute (API) code. Prerequisite: WLD 1350; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 116
Jan 22 – Mar 17
Mon, Wed
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Adv Gas Metal Arc Welding — 3166
WLD 2260
Brent A. Harkness
Advanced gas metal arc welding practices and power source technology, including programmable and pulsing constant voltage machines, will be used. Machine set-up and techniques for nonferrous metals, including aluminum and stainless steel, will be practiced. Advanced arc welding techniques will be performed in the flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions on structural plate. Identifying and analyzing defects in welding joints is emphasized. Carbon steel plate is welded using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) to American Welding Society (AWS) Code. Students will develop skills necessary to make quality welds on carbon steel pipe with open root and with backing rings according to AWS, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and American Petroleum Institute (API) code. Prerequisite: WLD 1360; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 113
Mar 19 – May 13
Tue, Thu
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Adv Gas Metal Arc Welding — 3167
WLD 2260
Richard D. Phinney
Advanced gas metal arc welding practices and power source technology, including programmable and pulsing constant voltage machines, will be used. Machine set-up and techniques for nonferrous metals, including aluminum and stainless steel, will be practiced. Advanced arc welding techniques will be performed in the flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions on structural plate. Identifying and analyzing defects in welding joints is emphasized. Carbon steel plate is welded using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) to American Welding Society (AWS) Code. Students will develop skills necessary to make quality welds on carbon steel pipe with open root and with backing rings according to AWS, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and American Petroleum Institute (API) code. Prerequisite: WLD 1360; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 116
Mar 18 – May 13
Tue, Thu
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Adv Gas Tungsten Arc Welding — 3168
WLD 2270
Barry M. Pfaff
Advanced study and practice of the gas tungsten arc welding process are emphasized. Advanced joint designs are mastered on carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. A required American Welding Society Workmanship sample will be fabricated and welded. Students will also weld GTAW on pipe according to ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) procedures. Theory and practice of GTAW on ferrous and non-ferrous metals in all positions will be covered. Upon completion, students should be able to perform GTAW welds with prescribed electrodes and filler materials on various joint geometries. Prerequisite: WLD 1370; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 113
Mar 18 – May 12
Mon, Wed
5:01 pm – 9:01 pm
Adv Gas Tungsten Arc Welding — 3169
WLD 2270
Robert Elliott
Advanced study and practice of the gas tungsten arc welding process are emphasized. Advanced joint designs are mastered on carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. A required American Welding Society Workmanship sample will be fabricated and welded. Students will also weld GTAW on pipe according to ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) procedures. Theory and practice of GTAW on ferrous and non-ferrous metals in all positions will be covered. Upon completion, students should be able to perform GTAW welds with prescribed electrodes and filler materials on various joint geometries. Prerequisite: WLD 1370; Eligibility: MAT 1590. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Cattaraugus County Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Cattaraugus County 116
Mar 19 – May 14
Mon, Wed
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Fabrication — 3170
WLD 2350
Brent A. Harkness
Students will learn how to read blueprints with an emphasis on weld symbols, joint design, and layout techniques. Students will be introduced to equipment such as the iron worker, hand tools, press brake, and shear. The principles behind bending, punching, and fastening technologies will be discussed. Prerequisites: WLD 2260; Corequisite: WLD 2450. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $130
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 121A
Jan 22 – Apr 2
Mon, Wed, Fri
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Capstone Project — 3171
WLD 2450
Brent A. Harkness
Through research, discussion, and presentation, students will apply welding technology knowledge toward a real life problem. Each student will prepare a case study of a local industry problem or application as well as a solution to the problem. Process selection, joint design, cost estimating, and design of a welded project are required. Corequisite: WLD 2350; Prerequisite: student must be within one semester of graduation or have permission of instructor. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Jamestown Campus
Fees: $200
Manufacturing Technology Institute - Jamestown 121A